





needling['ni:dliŋ]n. 針刺,針術;橫撐木


needling 橫撐桿;植針;針刺 針術 橫撐木支托 橫撐支托 橫樑支托;針刺;skin needling 毛刺;微針滾輪;釋義:皮刺;structured needling 花紋針刺機;needling density 針刺密度;depth needling 釋義:針刺深度;


1.The article introduces the characteristics and effect of new needling fixed flat. 介紹了新研製的針刺型固定蓋板的特性和作用。

2.The control group were treated by routine western medicine, and the treatment group by the medication plus shallow needling. 對照組採用內科西藥常規治療,治療組在對照組治療基礎上加用毫針淺刺法治療。

3.Objective To study the effect of cluster needling of scalp point combined with rehabilitation techniques on aphemia due to stroke. 目的研究針康法(頭穴叢刺方法結合康復技術)對腦卒中運動性失語患者語言功能的影響。


five ancient acupuncture methods; five ancient needling techniques - 五刺

method of needling and moxibustion - 刺灸法

method of needling and moxibustion - 刺炙法

muscle needling multi-direction needling - 合谷刺

deqi; needling sensation deqi - 得氣

shallow needling with cupping - 淺刺拔罐

deep needling deep insertion - 深刺

one of the nine needling techniques; puncturing with a red-hot needle - 粹刺法

needling at the shu points - 輸刺

needling manipulaiton; needling manipulation; the manipulation of the needle - 運針

needling instrument - 針具

acupuncture; needling; needling or acupuncture or needle insertion; n. needle punch - 針刺

needling lesion - 針刺創

needling response - 針刺感應

needling response - 針感

acupuncture manipulation; acupuncture therapy; needling technique - 針法


n.關刺 - articular needling

n.雀啄法 - bird-peck needling

n.雀啄法 - bird-pecking needling

n.楊刺 - centro-spuare needling

n.經刺 - channel needling

n.叢刺 - cluster needling

n.刺禁 - contraindication of needling

n.透天涼 - cool producing needling

n.體針;n.深刺 - deep needling

n.深刺 - deep needling deep insertion

n.確定行針的角度和深度 - determine the angle and depth of needling

n.遠道刺 - distant needling

n.大瀉刺 - drainage needling

n.耳針療法 - ear needling

n.揚刺 - entro-square needling

n.五刺 - five ancient needling techniques

n.燒山火 - heat-producing needling

n.平刺 - horizontal needling

n.分刺,分針 - intermuscular needling

n.關刺 - joint needling

n.刺灸法,刺炙法 - method of needling and moxibustion

n.多針淺刺 - multiple-superficial needling

n.合谷刺 - muscle needling multi-direction needling

n.九刺 - nine types of needling

n.斜刺 - oblique insertion or oblique needling

n.斜刺 - oblique needling

n.粹刺法 - one of the nine needling techniques

n.巨刺 - opposing needling

n.以痛為輸 - pain-point needling

n.偶刺 - paired needling

n.透針 - penetration needling

n.直刺 - perpendicular needling

n.透針 - piercing needling

n.臥針 - prone needling

n.傍針刺 - proximal needling

n.恢刺 - relaxing needling

n.遠道刺 - remote needling

n.散刺 - scattered needling

n.淺刺 - shallow needling

n.淺刺拔罐 - shallow needling with cupping

n.短刺 - short thrust needling

n.毛刺,皮刺 - skin needling

n.針術 - stylostixis needling

n.十二節刺 - twelve methods of needling

n.震顫法 - vibration needling

n.溫刺 - warm needling

n.子午搗臼 - zi wu dao jiu needling

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