





treating['tri:tiŋ]n. 處理v. 處理(treat的ing形式);對待


treating 處理;款待 公安;對待;agitator treating 攪動洗滌;攪拌洗滌;釋義:攪動洗滌;Cloth treating 布料化學處理;cold treating 冷處理;Wool treating 羊毛加工;


1.Until that time, "good" heat treating is what we need. 直到那時,「好的」熱處理才是我們所需要的。

2.The study will contribute to help people find new ways of treating obesity. 此項研究將有助於幫人們找到新的治療肥胖的方法。

3.What would you conclude about the safety and effectiveness oft this medicine treating headaches? 你會怎麼結束的安全性和有效性經常吃這種藥治療頭痛?


I don't like the way you are treating me. - 我不喜歡你對待我的方式。

Boiling is always a good way of treating water. - 燒開一直是水處理的一種好辦法。


treating the lung - 佐金平木

treating diarrhea with diuretics - 利小便實大便

inducing diuresis and treating cancer - 利尿抗癌

inducing diuresis for treating stranguria - 利尿通淋

treating urolithiasis - 利石淋

treating a disease contrary to the routine - 反治

treating the same disease with different methods - 同病異治

treating shanoyang disease by mediation; treating shaoyang disease by mediation - 和解少陽

theat spontaneous emission and sleukorrhagia; treating spontaneous emision and leukorrhagia - 固精止帶

treating obstructive diseases by tonfication; treating obstructive diseases by tonification - 塞因塞用

treating the cold-syndrome with hot-natured drugs - 寒者熱之

treating hematochezia - 治便血

treating cold syndrome with crugs of hot maure; treating cold syndrome with drugs of hot nature - 治寒以熱

treating disese according to its nature - 治求其屬

treating heat syndrome with drugs of cold nature - 治熱以寒

treating distance - 治療距離

treating for stomachache - 治胃痛

treating boils - 消痛

treating trauma and setting fractured bones - 理傷續斷

restore and treat njured soft tissues; restoring and treating injured soft tissues - 理筋

treating blood disorders - 理血

hepatits treating infusion - 肝炎沖劑

treating the lung and the kidney simultaneously - 肺腎同治

treating a disease according to its nature - 衰之以屬

n. metal surface treating technique - 金屬表面處理技術

treating jaundce; treating jaundice - 退黃

treat the diarrhetic diseases with cathartics; treating diarrhea with purgatives - 通因通用

treating stranguria - 通淋

n. metal-foil heat treating method - 金屬箔處理方法

n. metal-foil heat treating method - 金屬箔熱處理法

treating yin for the yang disease - 陽病治陰

treating yang for yin disease; treating yang for yin isease - 陰病治陽


n.離心機處理 - centrifuge treating

n.主治 - have marked effect in treating

n.肝炎沖劑 - hepatits treating infusion

同種保存性骨移植治療方法 - homogeneous preserved bone treating method

n.利尿抗癌 - inducing diuresis and treating cancer

n.利尿通淋 - inducing diuresis for treating stranguria

治療方法 - method of treating

n.理筋 - restoring and treating injured soft tissues

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