shipsn. 艦船(ship的複數)v. 船運(ship的第三人稱單數形式)
ships 船舶;小船;艦船;輪船;Ships Agency 船舶代理;ships pu 船用泵;WOODEN SHIPS 木船;Fighting Ships 戰艦;戰艦系統年鑑;
1.Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC21
5. 柯達公司將推出一種新型的數碼相機DC215。
2.The ships blockaded the port. 軍艦封鎖了那個「港口」。
3.The ships in the bay present a beautiful sight. 海灣內的船舶呈現一派美麗的景象。
You and Dad are like ships that pass in the night. - 你和爸爸就像在夜晚交錯而過的船一樣。
One of the most famous sailing ships of the nineteenth century, the Cutty Sark, can still be seen at Greewich. - 人們在格林威治仍可看到19世紀最有名的帆船之一「卡蒂薩克」號。
She serves as an impressive reminder of the great ships of past. - 它給人們留下深刻的印象,使人們回憶起歷史上的巨型帆船,
The Cutty Sark was one the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built. - 「卡蒂薩克」號是帆船製造史上建造的最快的一艘帆船。
Both these ships set out from Shanghai on June 18th, 1872 on an exciting race to England. - 兩船於1872年6月18日同時從上海啟航駛往英國,途中展開了一場激烈的比賽。
It marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails and the beginning of a new era. - 它標誌著帆船偉大傳統的結束與一個新紀元的開始。
The first of the two ships to reach Java after the race had begun was the Thermopylae, - 比賽開始後,「賽姆皮雷」號率先抵達爪哇島。