gilda['gildə]n. 吉爾達(女子名)
Gilda 吉爾達;天國的;吉兒達;蕩女姬黛;Gilda Jovine 多米尼加 -;Gilda Bojardi 波亞爾第;Gilda Carle 蓋爾德·凱瑞爾;吉爾妲·卡爾;婕爾妲·卡羅;Gilda Butta 鋼琴家吉爾達·布塔;
1.Where is the Qing Yuan City Gilda leather shoes store in? 清遠吉爾達皮鞋店在哪裡?
2.Just as she declares her love, the Duke enters, overjoyed, convincing Gilda of his love, though she resists at first. 她因為瞞著父親,所以心感不安。吉爾達表白之際,大喜過望的公爵上前對吉爾達表明心跡。
3.Well, this opera finally comes to the end by the tragedy, Gilda, a young and beautiful girl who dedicated her life for the loyalty and fancy of love bring people into deep sorrow! 此劇最終以悲劇告終,對愛情的忠貞不渝和美妙幻想,讓吉爾達獻出了年輕寶貴的生命,令人傷感萬分!