





complement complementarity make for a loss make up make up a loss 補足;complement complementarity make for a loss make up make up a loss 補足;low dielectric-loss glass low-loss glass 低介電損耗玻璃;low dielectric-loss glass low-loss glass 低介電損耗玻璃;low dielectric-loss glass low-loss glass 低介電損耗玻璃;


1.Loss of Property includes both direct loss and indirect loss. Loss of property to indirect loss is result from property which are in increment. 財產的損失包括直接損失和間接損失。間接損失是違法行為對處於增值狀態中的財產損害的結果。

2.The loss are divided into the loss by the changing of fracture width and the loss from fracture face to matrix, and the loss model of working fluid is established. 將鑽井完井過程中的漏失分為由裂縫寬度變化引起的漏失和裂縫面向基塊的漏失兩部分,建立了工作液漏失模型。

3.Hair Loss Control –From serious hair loss to normal hair loss. Normal hair loss is 30-50 strands a day. 控制脫髮–從嚴重脫髮控制成正常的脫髮數量。正常脫髮數量每天30-50根。

4.ACOM is the combined loss achieved by the echo canceller, which is the sum of the echo return loss, echo return loss enhancement, and nonlinear processing loss for the call. ACOM是回聲消除器完成的綜合損耗,是呼叫的回聲返回損耗、回聲損耗增強以及非線性處理損耗的總合。

5.reflects severity degree of the forest fire loss from direct economic loss, indirect economic loss, society loss three aspects; 從直接經濟損失、間接經濟損失、社會損失三個方面反映災情損失情況;


we're prepared to meet your claim for the loss according to the contract. - 我們準備按合同賠償貴方的損失。

I must say that I'm a little at a loss as to how to introduce them. - 我必須表明對於如何介紹他們,我有點不知所措。

He was at a loss for words. - 他不知道該說什麼好。

She is at a loss as what to do. - 她不知怎麼辦才好。

The loss for this reason should be charged by the side breaking the contract. - 造成的損失必須由毀約方承擔。

She is timid and completely at a loss what to do. - 她羞臊得不知所措。

Let difficulties occur but not the loss of courage. - 縱使困難重重,也不喪失勇氣。

No great loss without some small gain. - 塞翁失馬,安知非福。

Prefer loss to unjust gain. - 寧可受損失,休取不義財。

but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. - 不過他覺得,地位升高了,損失點兒錢也值得。

The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life. - 然而,這艘巨輪首航就下沉,造成大批人員死亡。人們將永遠記著這艘巨輪的沉沒慘劇。

Such a loss of dignity and descent into childish behaviour on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, - 這種有失身份和孩子氣的作法使青春期的孩子大為震驚,

later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigour and resistance which, though imperceptible at first, - 再遲一些,我們就要經歷生命力和抵抗力逐步衰退的過程。雖然這個過程起初難以覺察,

The loss for this reason should be charged by the side breaking the contract. - 造成的損失必須由毀約方承擔。


fall into a stupor; insensibility; loss of consciousness; unconsciousness - 不省人事

loss of ability - 喪失能力

premature loss of deciduous tooth - 乳牙早失

loss of fluid - 體液喪失

loss of body weight; loss of weight - 體重減輕

n. uneven loss of gloss - 光澤的不平整損失

n. uneven loss of gloss - 光澤面的不勻損傷

loss of consciousness and collapse - 內閉外脫

n. loss of working - 功損失

loss of hair; trichomadesis - 發落

loss of appetite - 口不知谷味

Loss of appetite is usually present - 多有厭食

loss of electron - 失去電子

heavy loss of vital energy - 失氣過多

loss of heat; lossofheat - 失熱

absence; absentia; loss of vitality - 失神

precordial pain due to loss of blood; prevordial pain due to loss of the blood - 失血心痛

dizziness due to loss of blood - 失血眩暈

loss of blood - 奪血

loss on drying - 乾燥失重

loss on drying - 干爆失重

loss of elasticity - 彈性消失

premature loss of permanent tooth - 恆牙早失

loss of consciousness; uncon - 意識喪失

loss of heat; lossofheat; thermolysis; thermolysis heat dissipation - 散熱

n. loss coefficient - 損耗係數

sudden loss of voice - 暴喑

sudden loss of vision - 暴盲

suddem loss of hearing; sudden deafness; sudden loss of hearing - 暴聾

loss of proprioceptive sense - 本體感覺喪失

loss of polarity - 極性消失

loss of water head - 水頭損失

n. heat loss of furnace - 爐的熱損失

n. heat loss of furnace - 爐的熱損耗

n. electron energy loss spectroscopy - 電子能量損失譜法

n. electron energy loss spectroscopy - 電子能量損耗能譜法

cell loss from - 癌內的細胞丟失

cell loss factor in - 癌的細胞丟失因子

cell loss factor in carcinomas - 癌腫內的細胞丟失因子

n. loss of mining - 礦的損失

n. carbon solution loss reaction - 碳溶液損失反應

loss of partial consciousness - 神志不清

anorexia; loss of apetite; loss of appetite - 納呆

cell loss factor - 細胞丟失因子

cell loss factor examples - 細胞丟失因子例子

cell loss factor determination - 細胞丟失因子的測定

cell loss factor causes - 細胞丟失的原因

loss of vs.function - 細胞喪失完整繁殖力和細胞喪失功

cells death loss of function vs - 細胞功能的喪失與死亡

cell loss factor in sarcomas - 肉瘤內的細胞丟失因子


n.抗原性丟失 - antigenic loss

聽力喪失 - audiometric hearing loss

n.失血 - blood loss

呼吸喪失 - breathing loss

細胞消亡 - cell loss

n.細胞丟失因子 - cell loss factor

n.細胞丟失的原因 - cell loss factor causes

n.細胞丟失因子的測定 - cell loss factor determination

n.細胞丟失因子例子 - cell loss factor examples

n.癌的細胞丟失因子 - cell loss factor in

n.癌腫內的細胞丟失因子 - cell loss factor in carcinomas

n.肉瘤內的細胞丟失因子 - cell loss factor in sarcomas

n.癌內的細胞丟失 - cell loss from

n.細胞功能的喪失與死亡 - cells death loss of function vs

傳導性耳聾,傳導障礙 - conductive hearing loss

計數損失,漏計數 - counting loss

n.失血眩暈 - dizziness due to loss of blood

經濟損失 - economic loss

n.估計失血 - estimated blood loss

n.蒸發去水 - evaporative water loss

胸炎治療 - headphone hearing loss

n.聽力喪失 - hearing loss

熱損失 - heat loss

n.失氣過多 - heavy loss of vital energy

高頻失聰 - high frequency hearing loss

灼燒量,燒蝕量 - ignition loss

內耳性耳聾 - inner ear hearing loss

不顯性失水 - insensible water loss

n.電離耗損 - ionization loss

記憶力喪失 - memory loss

n.月經失血,月經失血量 - menstrual blood loss

非器質性聽力喪失,非器質性耳聾 - nonorganic hearing loss

n.正常運行損失 - normal operation loss

n.職業性聽力損失 - occupational hearing loss

不可避免氮丟失 - obligatory nitrogen loss

不可避免失水 - obligatory water loss

n.部分聽覺缺失 - partial loss of hearing

n.聽錯率 - percentage of discremination loss

n.失血心痛 - precordial pain due to loss of blood

n.過早缺失 - premature loss

n.乳牙早失 - premature loss of deciduous tooth

n.恆牙早失 - premature loss of permanent tooth

n.壓力損耗,壓力損失 - pressure loss

n.失血心痛 - prevordial pain due to loss of the blood

n.蛋白喪失性腸病 - protein loss enteric disease

心因性聽力喪失 - psychogenic hearing loss

放射損失 - radiation loss

n.能量損耗率 - rate of energy loss

耳蝸後聾,耳蝸後聽力喪失 - retrocochlear hearing loss

n.試樣損耗 - sample loss

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