loss-free 無損耗的;無損失的;loss-free line 無損耗傳輸線;無損耗線;loss-free medium 無損耗媒質;loss-free dielectric 無損耗介質;loss-free propagation time 無損耗傳播時間;
1.In both cases, a string of loss-free years can be followed by a devastating experience that more than wipes out all earlier profits. 一連串無損失的年份過後,可能跟著一次毀滅性的損失,足以讓之前的利潤一掃而光。
2.Loss-free resistor(LFR) generates great pulse current because of the switching process, and its equivalent resistor is also time variable. 無損電阻由於開關元件的存在而產生很大的電流脈衝,其等效電阻也是時變的,這嚴重限制了無損電阻的應用。
3.The virtually loss-free dual clutch even cuts the fuel consumption of some models featuring DSG to below that of manual models depending on the style of driving. 實際無損失的雙離合甚至低於某些依賴駕駛風格的手動型特色車型的油耗。