a. abrupt ,hasty ,overhasty ,sharp
precipitous[pri'sipitəs]adj. 險峻的;急躁的,魯莽的
precipitous 陡峭的;險峻的道氏八級浪;險峻的;道氏八級浪;precipitous decline 迅速遞減;precipitous sea 怒濤;道氏八級浪;怒濤(八級浪);grandly precipitous 雄偉險峻;PRECIPITOUS - 急躁的,陡峭的;
1.The bluefin has proved to be no match for a high-tech fishing industry, which has sent their numbers into a precipitous decline. 金槍魚已經證明沒有對手因為高科技漁業,已經發送它們的數字到一個險峻的衰退時期。
2.Each chart displayed a similar precipitous descent in the catch from the start of industrial fishing, some time before 1960, to a virtual plateau between 1980 and 2000. 每張圖表顯示了從1960年前一段時間的產業化捕魚開始,到1980至2000年間實際的高潮持續期,在捕魚量上的類似衰落。
3.A small percentage of patients may show hypersensitivity to the drug and react to it with a pronounced and precipitous fall of blood pressure which may result in syncope. 一小部分病人可能對這種藥過敏,並且對這種藥產生血壓明顯急劇下降的反應,此反應可能導致病人昏厥。