absent voting 缺席投票;absentee voting 缺席投票;缺席投票 政制與選舉事務;缺席投票-----;to abstain from voting 棄權;abstention from voting 棄權不投票;where an enterprise holds or acquires the shares or capital contributions of another enterprise to an extent of morethan one- third of the total voting shares or total capital of such other enterprise 二持有或取得他事業之股份或出資額,達到他事業有表決權股份或資本總額三分之一以上者。;
1.In the multinomial voting model, the economic evaluation that affects the voting choices is not the main factor. 然而在投票模型中,個人與國家的經濟評估並不是主要影響投票抉擇的因素。
2.But these clocks could be manipulated by officials to rerun an election and create bogus voting records, so a safer voting machine would not allow its clock to be set in the field. 但是選務人員也可調整這類時鐘,以重新進行選舉,製造出假的投票記錄,所以,投票機的時鐘應該不允許實地更改,才是比較安全的做法。
3.Voting ballots are unsighted and marked by the voters in private booths so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen is voting. 選票不記名,由選民在隔離的投票站內填寫,這樣就不會知道選民投了誰的票。
4.Ordinary, Individual and Life membership have voting rights, the other memberships are non-voting classes. 基本、個人及永久制會籍均屬有投票權組別,其他類別不設有投票權。
5.The non voting share rank equally with the voting share. 無表決權的股票與有投票地位同等。