Ardent Vow 聖武士;熱情誓約;Bodhisattva vow 菩薩戒;eighteenth vow 十八願;Gourmets Vow to Battle the Burger 不與漢堡共戴天;Maidens Vow 鳳凰四重奏;TVB鳳凰四重奏;
1.Perform a good deed every day; aspire to benefit society. Vow to perform a good deed every day; each vow must aspire to beautify society. 日行一善存好心,每一發心,必為人間的利益著想。日發一願做好事,每一發願,必為人間的莊嚴用心。
2.Knowing this truth, one should observe the vow of celibacy in thought, speech and action wholeheartedly. 知道了這些事實,一個人必須在思想、語言和行為上都有遵守禁慾誓言之心。
3.I only hope that the Dharma Master will compassionately help me fulfill my vow. 唯願法師慈悲,幫助我完成這個心願。
4.He, who desists from a desire to take anything belonging to others, on seeing it lying in a village or town or forest, observes the third vow of non-stealing. (370 一個能夠不拿取他人物品(不論是在農村、鄉鎮還是森林中)的人,就是遵守第三條誓言(不偷竊)。
5.Every so often, I vow to always call or meet people rather than send them electronic monologues (or perhaps diatribes). 每次經常變成這樣,我發誓要打電話或者與人面談,而不是發給他們電子信息自說自話(或者也許是謾罵)。