





Modal Parameter Identification of a Frame Structure under Wind and Impact ExcitationDAE for Frictional Contact Modeling of Constrained Multi-Flexible Body Systems DAE for Frictional Contact Modeling of Constrained Multi-Flexible Body Systems 風載和衝擊載荷激勵下的框架結構的模態參數辨識;flexible steel cable flexible wire rope 軟鋼絲繩;flexible desk lamp flexible table lamp 軟桿檯燈;flexible steel cable flexible wire rope 軟鋼絲繩;flexible steel cable flexible wire rope 軟鋼絲繩;


1.Any more, each branch can be divided into different kinds, like flexible conduit can be divided into flexible metal conduit and flexible electrical conduit and flexible stainless steel conduit. 還有,每個分支還可以再分,像外套可分成金屬軟管,不銹鋼軟管和軟管。

2.Colored Flexible PVC Regrind, Colored Flexible PVC Regrind shall consist of reground flake of clean sorted flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) scrap, sorted to a single color. 說明有顏色的軟質PVC再生(料)將包括乾淨的被分類的軟質聚氯乙烯(PVC)小塊被再生(料),被分類為一種唯一顏色。

3.Clear Flexible PVC Regrind, Clear Flexible PVC Regrind shall consist of reground flake of clean sorted clear or natural flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) scrap. 說明乾淨的軟質PVC再生(料)將包括乾淨的被分類的乾淨或自然軟質聚氯乙烯(PVC)小塊被再生(料)

4.Clear Flexible PVC Regrind, Clear Flexible PVC Regrind shall consist of reground flake of clean sorted clear or natural flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) scrap. 說明乾淨的軟質PVC再生(料)將包括乾淨的被分類的乾淨或自然軟質聚氯乙烯(PVC)小塊被再生(料)

5.Colored Flexible PVC Regrind, Colored Flexible PVC Regrind shall consist of reground flake of clean sorted flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) scrap, sorted to a single color. 有顏色的軟質PVC 小塊將包括被分類的軟質聚氯乙烯(PVC) 小塊, 被排序入一種唯一顏色。


I think you probably know China has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade. - 我想你也許已經瞭解到中國在對外貿易中採取了靈活的政策。

We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings. - 我們在具體操作方法上靈活多了。

I think you probably know China has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade. - 我想你也許已經瞭解到中國在對外貿易中採取了靈活的政策。

We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings. - 我們在具體操作方法上靈活多了。


flexible catheter; nelatons catheter; soft catheter - 內拉通氏導管

n. flexible V-die - 可伸縮V型模

flexible active site - 可塑活性部位

flexible biopotential skinelectrode - 可屈性生物皮膚電極

flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope - 可曲纖維支氣管鏡

flexible light reflector - 彎曲式集手術照明燈

n. flexible V-die - 撓性V形模

n. flexible punch - 撓性沖頭

n. flexible die - 撓性模

n. flexible anodic oxidation coatings - 撓性陽極塗層

n. flexible anodic oxidation coatings - 柔性陽極氧化塗覆層

n. flexible riser - 橈性冒口

n. flexible boring - 橈性插孔

n. flexible support - 橈性支承

n. flexible pipe - 橈性繩

flexible intestinal spatula - 軟性壓腸板

flexible plastic surgical depressor - 軟性整形外科壓板

flexible rib measuring scale - 軟性肋骨尺

flexible probe - 軟質探針

flexible wire intestinal spatula - 軟金屬絲壓腸板


n.彈性火棉膠 - colloid flexible

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