Newmann. 紐曼(男子名)
Newman 英國 受歡迎的異鄉人;英國Randy Newman 蘭迪·紐曼;紐曼;蘭迪紐曼;藍迪紐曼;Campbell Newman 紐曼;Mark Newman 紐曼;Peter Newman 紐曼;
1.Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another. ----John Newman. 知識是一回事,美德是另一回事。----約翰。紐曼。
2.Woodward says it is because Newman makes her laugh and he claims that laughter and joy are the "glue" in their relationship. 伍德沃德說,那是因為紐曼可以逗她笑,而且他則稱,笑聲和喜悅是他們關係中的「粘和劑」。
3.The specific character of the conversations and letters brings out vividly what Newman means by accuracy of mind, and how indispensable it is for what he wants a university to provide. 談話和書信的特性生動地呈現出那些紐曼通過思維精確性表達的事物,以及這個事物對於一所他所希望大學所能夠提供的是多麼的必須。