





n. commonwealth ,country ,department of state ,provincev. express ,posit ,say ,tell


statesn. 州,國家(state的複數形式)vt. 聲明(state的第三人稱單數形式);陳述


States 狀態;勢態;狀態;國家政權;United States 美國;美國風情;團結之邦;合眾國;US States 美國各洲;middle states 美國中部諸州;Pseudohypoparathyroid States 假性甲狀旁腺功能減退症;


1.He stated his views to me. 他向我說明了他的觀點。

2.Actually, no rule of the game states you must do anything. 事實上,遊戲裡沒有規則指定你必須要做什麼。

3.The new theory still assigns definite energy states to an atom. 新的理論仍然規定原子具有確定的能量狀態。


When he came to the States five years ago, he had only forty dollars in his pocket. - 五年前他來美國時,口袋裡只有40美元。

and a book of photos about the United States still feels right. - 而一本關於美國的攝影集仍然很有前景。

who have made my stay in the United States so wonderful. - 是你們使得我在美國的生活如此多采多姿。

Today, trade imbalance between the United States and our country is becoming worse. - 當前美國與我國間的貿易不平衡問題正日益惡化。

Because the United States is the most important trade partner. - 因為美國是我們最重要的貿易夥伴。

At any rate, our country and the United States need each other. - 總而言之,我國與美國相互需要。

I am very happy that you have come all the way from the United States to visit our company. - 您不遠千里從美國來我公司訪問,我們感到非常高興。

As relationships between the People's Republic of China and the United States strengthen more and more today. - 隨著當今中美兩國關係的不斷加強。

In the United States ,there are many factories for making cloth. - 在美國,有許多造布的工廠 。

One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. - 世界上最著名的紀念碑之一的自由女神雕像是在19世紀時由法國人民贈送給美國的。

Sometimes ago, the United States Navy, for instance, - 例如,美國海軍前些時候

modern states 'invest'in institutions of learning to get back 'interest' - 現代國家對教育機構投資,收回的"利息


united states patent - 美國專利

united states dispensatory; usd - 美國處方集

united states pharmacopeia; united states pharmacopoeia; usp - 美國藥典

united states adopted names council - 美國藥名選定委員會


n.女性更年期狀態 - female climacteric states

n.女性更年期狀態 - menopausal states

n.營養缺乏性多神經炎 - polyneuritis associated with deficiency states

n.美國藥名選定委員會 - united states adopted names council

n.美國處方集 - united states dispensatory

n.美國專利 - united states patent

n.美國藥典 - united states pharmacopeia

n.美國藥典 - united states pharmacopoeia

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