





n. article of clothing ,habiliment ,vesture ,wearingv. bear ,endure ,have on ,wear down


v. freshen ,refresh ,refreshen


wear[wεə]n. 穿著,磨損,耐久性v. 穿著,用舊,耗損


wear 磨損;磨耗;穿,戴;穿帶;wear off 逐漸消失;漸漸減少;耗損;磨掉;wear out 穿破,用壞;(使)疲乏,(使)耗盡;耗盡;耗盡,使筋疲力盡;LEISURE WEAR 休閒服;休閒裝;便裝;休閒服裝;fitness wear 女式緊身衣,分上衣,褲子;女式緊身衣;女式緊身衣,分男女做性全過程錄像上衣,褲子;女式緊身衣,分上衣,褲子 (翻譯公司);


1.On the first day he went to school,the boy wore his school cap proudly. 上學的第一天,男孩驕傲地戴上了他的校帽。

2.I shall wear red for the ceremony. 我將穿紅衣服參加那個儀式。

3.Young people like to wear blue jeans. 年輕人喜歡穿藍色的牛仔褲。


But I wear size ten. - 但我穿十號的衣服。

I had planned to wear them. - 我早就預備戴它們。

I only wear a tie on special occasions. - 我只有在特殊場合才帶。

What will you wear for the party? - 晚會上你穿什麼?

I'll wear my blue dress. - 我會穿我的蘭色裙子。

What do you going to wear today? - 你今天穿什麼衣服?

I'm going to wear my blue suit.Is that all right? - 我想穿我藍色的西裝,那合適嗎?

You'd better wear a light jacket.It's chilly today. - 你今天最好穿一件淺色的夾克衫。 今天很冷。

Do we have to wear the helmets? - 我們得戴上防護帽嗎?

You should wear a heavy coat, It's below zero today. - 你應該穿一件厚大衣,因為今天在零度以下。

You should wear a lightweight suit, It's hot today. - 你應該穿一套薄一點的套裝,因為今天很熱。

You should wear a raincoat, It's rainy today. - 你應該穿一件雨衣,因為今天下雨。

You should wear a something warm, It's chilly today. - 你應該穿暖和一些的衣服,因為今天很涼。

You should wear a sweater, It's cold today. - 你應該穿一件毛衣,因為今天很冷。

Better wear out shoes than sheets. - 寧可(經常運動)穿破鞋子,也不(因病長臥)磨破床單。

Better wear out than rust out. - 與其閒散不如忙碌。

It is better to wear out than to rust out. - 與其銹掉,不如用壞。

They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! - 的確很不舒適。可是女人們總是穿不舒適的鞋子!

Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. - 去年在演另一個劇時,她不得不穿短襪和一件鮮艷的橘紅色的衣服。

People who work in offices are frequently referred to as white-collar workers' for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. - 坐辦公室的之所以常常被稱作「白領工人」,就是因為他們通常是穿著硬領白襯衫,繫著領帶去上班。

From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him 'Mr.Bloggs', not 'Alf'. - 從此,艾爾弗可以一天到晚穿西服了。別人將稱呼他為「布洛格斯先生」,而不再叫他「艾爾弗」了。

To protect themselves from the icy water, they had to wear special rubber suits. - 湖水冰冷刺骨,他們必須穿上一種特製的橡皮服以保護自己。

You'll have to wear this hard hat for the tour. - 參觀時必需戴上這安全帽。

Do we have to wear the helmets? - 我們得戴上防護帽嗎?

Yes, it is. You need to wear warmer clothes. - 是啊,你應該穿得更暖和些。

You need to wear lots of warm clothes. - 人們要穿很多的保暖的衣服。

Thank you, Polly! laughed Ann.What a beautiful present! I can wear it in my new hat. - 「謝謝你,波利!」安笑著說。「多麼美麗的禮物啊!我可以把它插在我的新帽子上。」

The workers all wear thick clothes and glassed over their eyes. - 工人們作都穿著厚厚的衣服並且戴著眼鏡。

Does that matter? Can't you just wear a flower instead? - 這有什麼要緊?難道不可以就戴朵花嗎?

You can see how it is now. I can't possibly wear it. - 你可以看看它現在成了什麼樣子了。我不可能穿它了。


n. wear resisting castings - 抗磨損塗覆

n. abrasive wear resistance - 抗磨料

n. lubrication wear test - 潤滑損耗試驗

n. lubrication wear test - 潤滑磨損試驗

n. rolling wear test - 滾動磨損試驗

n. rolling wear test - 滾動耐磨試驗

n. wear allowance - 磨損余量

n. wear allowance - 磨損公差

n. wear probability factor - 磨損幾率因子

n. abrasive wear resistance - 磨損性能

n. wear probability factor - 磨損概率因數

n. wear allowance - 磨損留量

n. wear part - 磨損部件

n. wear resistance - 磨損阻力


咬耗症 - occlusal wear


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