





n. eating away ,eroding ,erosion ,weara. exhausting ,tiring ,wearying


wearing[wεə riŋ, wεərŋ, 'wεəriŋ]adj. 磨損的;穿用的;令人疲倦的v. 穿著;磨損(wear的ing形式)


wearing 磨損的;磨損;磨損,轉向迎風行駛;消耗的;wearing glasses 戴眼鏡;wearing plate 耐磨板;防磨板、護板;減磨板;磨耗板;wearing bush 防磨套;wearing ring 耐磨環;減磨環;抗磨環;耐磨圈;


1.She joined the party, wearing a white dress. 她穿著一條白色的裙子參加派對。

2.To thin, reduce, or fringe the edge of by cutting, shaving, or wearing away. 使具羽狀用剪、''。'剃'。''、刮或磨損的方式使變薄、減少或加穗於邊緣。

3.Humans have imitated this by wearing green clothing as a camouflage in military and other fields. 人類也模仿了這一點,在軍事和其它領域穿著綠色服裝作為偽裝。


who really needs to be wearing a tuxedo, - 真正需要穿燕尾服的人,

Oh, Grandpa will be so pleased that you're wearing them. - 噢 ,戴了它, 祖父一定會非常高興。

I've seen a lot of people wearing runners lately. I guess they're back in fashion. - 最近我看到很多人穿上了披肩,我看是不是披肩又流行起來了?

Some people look good wearing simple clothes, while others need to go all out in the fashion stakes. - 一些人穿著簡單看起來也不錯,而另外一些人穿得時髦點才行。

I don't like wearing the uniform. - 我不喜歡穿制服。

I didn't notice you were wearing your new hat. - 我沒注意你戴了新帽子。

She is wearing an apron. - 她穿著圍裙。

Why are you wearing my sweater? - 你為什麼穿著我的毛衣?

Marian is wearing a dress designed Paris. - 瑪麗安穿著巴黎設計的時裝。

You're not wearing enough. It's cold out there. - 你穿這樣不夠保暖。

I can't remember.The man who I served was wearing a hat. - 我記不起來了。我接待的那個人戴著一頂帽子。

She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.She told me she had just made a new film. - 她穿著一身藍色的套裝和一件貂皮大衣。她告訴我她剛拍完一部新片子。

My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse! - 我妻子戴著一頂像燈塔一樣的帽子。

Accurate, don't you think? Fortunately, I wasn't wearing it at the time. - 真夠準的,是不是?幸虧我當時沒戴帽子。

She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. - 身穿一條拖地長裙,

and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot the outlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet. - 還有一次,她穿著長筒襪子和拖鞋,能用腳步識別出藏在地毯下面的一幅畫的輪廓和顏色。

Well, Lucy is wearing blue trousers and a blouse. - 恩…,露茜穿著一條藍褲子和一件襯衫。

No, she isn't wearing a sweater. She's wearing a white blouse. - 沒穿。她穿了一件白色的襯衫?

What about Lily? Is she wearing the same clothes? - 莉莉呢?她也穿一樣的衣服嗎?

No. She's wearing green trousers, and a yellow sweater. - 不。她穿綠色褲子,黃色毛衣。

No, I couldn't do that. Everybody else will be wearing jewellery. I can't be the only woman who isn't wearing jewellery. - 不,我不能戴花。別的人都戴首飾,唯有我一個人不戴首飾,這怎麼能行呢?


偽裝假牙 - person wearing artificial teeth

n.磨損率 - rate of wearing

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