toast mistress 宴會女主持人;toast mistress 宴會女主持人;coven mistress 女巫族長;Mistress Edith 工業金屬;激流金屬;碾核金屬;強力金屬;housewife homemaker housekeeper housemistress hausfrau matron mistress 主婦;
1.Place the toast, spread some filling on top, cover with another toast, using a bowl to shape the toast as round, then cut off the rim of the toast. Ready to serve. 將土司放平,放人少許沙拉後,蓋上另一片土司,並用碗扣出圓盒狀,修掉四周硬皮即成。
2.Falstaff is a vulgar, greedy and promiscuous knight with a broken fortune. He falls in love with two romantic married women, Mistress Ford and Mistress Page, and the money of their husbands. 福斯塔夫是個粗俗無比、貪財好色的破落騎士,他愛上兩位外表風流多情的大娘——福德大娘、培琪大娘,和她們丈夫手裡的錢。
3.I'll have oysters on half shell, chili con carne and garlic toast. Do you serve garlic toast? 我要半個蠔、墨西哥燉肉和蒜吐司麵包,你們供應蒜吐司麵包嗎?
4.Melba toast is thin crisp toast. 長麵包是又細又脆的烤麵包。
5.Toast first, apply chocolate sauce, strawberry jam again, insert biscuits again excellently, toast again, one is put finally. 先烘烤、再塗巧克力醬、草莓醬、再插餅乾棒,再次烘烤,最後裝盤。