RTabbr. 室溫(room temperature);無線電話(radio telephone);放射性同位素指示劑(Radioisotope Tracer);收發兩用機(Receiver-Transmitter)
RT 逆轉錄酶;逆轉錄;熱敏電阻;遠程終端;RT RadioandTelevision 廣播與電視;RT BrakeHydraulics 液壓制動;RT Mart 大潤發;RT Radiumtherapy 鐳療法;
1.Objective To develop a simple and accurate method for the quantification of real-time RT-PCR gene products. 目的利用實時RT-PCR技術建立一種簡便、準確的基因表達相對定量方法。
2.Real-time plot - Many RT applications need to display a simple plot with gauge versus time and update it on-line. 許多RT應用程序需要顯示一個簡單的繪圖區,帶有標尺和時間指示,可以在線更新。
3.The method, by means of non-linear algorithm of neural network technology, is used to set up a non-linear relation among sonic log curve, SP, Rt, Gr and curves. 該方法通過神經網絡技術的非線性算法,在聲波曲線與自然電位、電阻率、自然伽馬等多條測井曲線之間建立一種非線性關係。