scarifyingn. 翻松v. 翻松(路面、田地等)(scarify的ing形式)
scarifying 翻松;刨毛;翻挖;scarifying knife 劃痕刀;釋義:劃痕刀,亂切刀,角膜緣刀;subgrade scarifying 路基翻松;scarifying cannula 釋義:劃痕套管(針);scarifying knifer 劃痕刀;
1.Soil scarifying, seeding, fertilizing and watering are all done by the children . 從松土、播種,到施肥、澆水,所有的工作都是由孩子們自己親手完成。
2.How to perform the SOC test with reduction the development cycle time and production cost without scarifying the performance is the challenge confronted by design engineer and test engineer. 如何在縮短設計週期、降低芯片成本而又不損失芯片性能的前提下完成SOC系統芯片的測試是芯片設計工程師和測試工程師當前所要面對的挑戰。
3.While human being is discussing whether they should develop the economy by scarifying the environment, the nature disclose a hard fact: it is high time to treat the environment harmoniously. 當人們還在奢談是否應該以犧牲環境為代價來發展經濟時,大自然已經以殘酷的現實昭示人類:現在已經到了必須與環境和諧相處的時候了。