massotherapy[,mæsəu'θerəpi]n. 按摩療法
massotherapy 按摩療法;按摩療法 推拿療法;Massotherapy of Life Enhancement 養身保健按摩;auricular points massotherapy 釋義:耳穴按摩法;self-traction massotherapy 釋義:自我牽引按摩療法;The Ohio College of Massotherapy 俄亥俄州推拿學院;
1.In respect to analgesic effects, the massotherapy combined with above two methods are better than massotherapy alone used. 將這兩種方法與按摩結合止痛效果明顯優於單純按摩治療。
2.Purpose To investigate the efficacy of acupuncture and massotherapy in combination with psychotherapy for treating acute mastitis. 目的觀察針刺推拿結合心理療法治療急性乳腺炎的療效。
3.Methods To patients were randomly divided into an acupuncture plus massotherapy group of 40 cases and a medication group of 31 cases. 方法臨床隨機分為針推組40例,藥物組31例。針推組採用針刺頸夾脊穴、大椎、百會、後溪為主,頸肩部推拿手法為輔;