moronic[mɔ'rɔnik, mə-]adj. 低能的;遲鈍的
moronic 低能的;魯鈍;魯鈍的;dunny gawkish hammerhead moronic 魯鈍的;T Semi moronic 吉他搖滾;crass doltish oafish imbecilic moronic fatuous vacuous 愚蠢的--;
1.People in Hollywood need to do their job and not share their moronic ideas with us. 好萊塢的明星們做好本職工作就行了,不用和我們分享他們」低能」的想法了。
2.To fill the hole dug by this moronic policy, the regime had some success improving its food distribution. 為填補愚鈍政策所帶來的黑洞,金正日政府在提高糧食配給上確實也取得了一些成功。
3.The protagonist arrives in a run down Honda Civic and attempts to fight the dragon but he burns to death when his moronic baggy clothes catch fire. 大英雄開著小本田想要攻擊巨龍,然後巨龍噴出的火焰燃著了他身上可笑的寬衣裳--他被燒死了。