moronin. 莫洛尼(科摩羅的首都)
Moroni 摩羅乃;天使莫洛裡;科摩羅;摩羅乃書;Mario Moroni 莫羅尼;Angel Moroni 天使莫羅尼;kunming to Moroni air tickets 昆明到莫羅尼機票,昆明到莫羅尼航班,;hangzhou to Moroni air tickets 杭州到莫羅尼機票,杭州到莫羅尼航班,;
1.But a civil aviation official told the BBC that the plane was probably a few kilometres from the capital, Moroni, when it crashed. 但是當地的一個航空官員告訴BBC新聞此架飛機有可能墜毀在離首都只有幾公里的莫羅尼。
2.Large birds that circle above turn out not to be birds at all but giant bats, flapping eerily over the capital, Moroni, with slow, thoughtful wing beats. 看起來體型很大的鳥在上空盤旋,結果那非但不是鳥而是巨大的蝙蝠,怪異地舞動翅膀在首都莫羅尼的上空,緩慢、小心的飛行。
3.Beijing, the capital Moroni to apply to the flight ticket inquiries - students of Chinese nationality: the need for admission notice and a copy of a student visa, to provide baggage coupons. 首都北京去莫羅尼航班查詢機票適用於--中國籍留學生:需提供入學通知書及學生簽證複印件,提供行李優惠券。