





yield yield up 被迫放棄;Effects of Sulfur Application Amount on Yield and Physiological Characteristics in High Yield Summer Maize 硫素水平對夏玉米產量及生理特性影響的研究;Effects of Sulfur Application Amount on Yield and Physiological Characteristics in High Yield Summer Maize 硫素水平對夏玉米產量及生理特性影響的研究;The Yield-constituting Index of High-yield Winter Wheat of Different Spike Style 不同穗型高產冬小麥產量構成因素探析;PEY PowerShares High Yield Equity Dividend Achievers Portfolio 威力股高配息股票;


1.With the yield stress increase, the yield surface moves to enlarge the non-yield region, when yield stress reach to a specific value, the yield stress saturation occurs. 隨著屈服應力的提高,未屈服區逐漸擴大,當達到一定值時,流場對屈服應力達到飽和狀態。

2.Yield gap analysis suggests there can be another 20% upside for the market if earnings yield is to close the gap with the 10-year bond yield. 收益率差距分析表明要使股市收益率接近10年期債券收益率,市場還需上漲20%。

3.With LPI 1, LPG yield has been increased by over

2. 31 percent points, propene yield by over 1. 51 percent point and the selectivity for increasing propene yield is over 59%. 使用該助劑後,液化石油氣產率增加2。31個百分點以上,丙烯產率增加1。51個百分點以上,增產丙烯的選擇性均在59%以上。

4.The article was used on card yield of aggregate index day and deep card component day yield data of the index, used GARCH(1, 1) model undertook study to the fluctuation of yield. 本文利用了上證綜合指數日收益率和深證成份股指數的日收益率數據,採用了GARCH(1,1)模型對收益率的波動性進行了研究。

5.Increasing N application also increased the brown rice yield, milled rice yield, head milled rice yield, chalk kernel rate, chalk degree and protein content. 增施氮肥提高了糙米率、精米率和整精米率,堊白米率、堊白度和蛋白質含量隨施氮量增加而上升。


Old bees yield no honey. - 老蜂不釀蜜。

The albatross is the king of the gliders, the class of fliers which harness the air to their purpose, but must yield to its opposition. - 信天翁是滑翔飛行的鳥類之王,它能自如地駕馭空氣,但必須順氣流飛行。


n. Hencky yield criterion - 亨基屈服判據

n. modified Tresca yield criterion - 修正的特雷斯卡屈服準則

n. modified Tresca yield criterion - 修正的特雷斯卡屈服條件

n. Von Mieses's yield condition - 馮米塞斯屈服條件

n. von Mises yield criterion - 馮米澤斯屈服判定準則

n. shear yield stress - 剪切屈服應力

n. distortion energy yield criterion - 變形能屈服判別式

n. post yield gage - 後屈服應變儀

n. cyclic yield stress - 週期生成應力

n. post yield gage - 在伸長儀

yield of ground water - 地下水出水量

yield value - 塑變值

n. yield elongation - 屈服伸長

yield point value - 屈服值

yield pressure - 屈服壓

n. yield elongation - 屈服延伸

yield strength - 屈服強度

n. yield control - 屈服控制

n. yield condition - 屈服條件

yield point - 屈服點

yield pressure - 屈服點壓

n. yield point elongation - 屈服點延伸

n. yield stress in plane strain - 平面變形的屈服應力

n. yield stress in plane strain - 平面應變屈服應力

n. distortion energy yield criterion - 形變能屈服判據

n. cyclic yield stress - 循環屈服應力

n. yield rate - 收穫率

n. maximum-shear-stress yield criterion - 最大切應力屈服判據

n. maximum-shear-stress yield criterion - 最大剪切應力屈服條件

n. Tresca yield criterion - 特雷斯卡屈服判據

n. Tresca's yield condition - 特雷斯卡屈服條件

yield percentage - 百分產率

n. equivalent stress yield criterion - 等價應力屈服條件

n. equivalent stress yield criterion - 等效應力屈服判別式

n. Mises yield criterion - 米賽斯屈服判據

n. von Mises yield criterion - 米賽斯屈服條件

yield value - 超始值

n. yield rate,feeding - 進給


n.表現電離率 - apparent ionization yield

n.累計產額,累計得率 - cumulative yield

n.電子親合率 - electron affinity yield

n.裂變產額 - fission yield

n.電離率 - ionization yield

n.克分子生長量 - molar growth yield

最適收穫量,最適產量 - optimal yield

光子收量 - photon yield

n.實際產量 - practical yield

n.量子產額 - quantum yield

放射化學回收量 - radiation chemical yield

n.理論產值,理論收率 - theoretical yield

n.井出水量 - well yield

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