freightingn. 海上運送契約v. 裝貨於;運輸(freight的ing形式)
Freighting 貨運;海上運輸契約;運送;freighting voyage 運貨航次;air freighting 空中貨運;International Freighting Corporation 國際貨運公司;International Freight Forwarders Liability to Customernational Freighting Corporation 國際貨運公司;
1.They freighted the boat with bananas. 他們把香蕉裝載在船上。
2.Also, the child will discontinue contact if it is introduced to a large number of new elements which are freighting for it. 同樣,如果引入太多的新要素,兒童也會因為害怕而不再繼續接觸。
3.The Siberian Husky never appears so heavy or coarse as to suggest a freighting animal; nor is he so light and fragile as to suggest a sprint-racing animal. 西伯利亞雪橇犬不能出現超重,外貌粗魯,以至於像一個做苦功的;或者體重太輕,纖細,類似賽跑犬。