1.Ms. Ye has written movingly of how she once loved and idolized Mao, and of how she came to be disenchanted. 葉女士寫過她曾經如何將毛澤東當作偶像來崇拜和熱愛,又如何解魅的感人故事。
2.Yesterday idolized, today hated and spit upon, tomorrow forgotten, and the day after tomorrow promoted to Sainthood. 昨日被視為偶像的,今日會被唾棄;明天會被遺忘的,而後天又被奉為聖賢。
3.Francisco Scaramanga: You see, Mr. Bond, I ever intellection I idolized animals. Then I unconcealed that I enjoyed ending grouping modify more. 金槍人:你知道,邦德先生,我一直認為我喜歡動物。那時我發現自己更喜歡殺人。
4.Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized. 讓每一個人都作為個人而受到尊重,而不讓任何人成為崇拜的偶像。
5.Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized. 讓每一個人都作為個人而受到尊重,而不讓任何人成為被崇拜的偶像。