stoked[stəukt]adj. [俚]振奮的v. 燒火(stoke的過去式和過去分詞)
STOKED 爽透 感覺良好;激情滑雪;非常激動;爽透,感覺良好;hand-stoked 手工加煤;Stoked Big Air Edition 騰空版;stoked fierce controversy 令輿論進一步升溫;well i'm stoked on gravity 我的重心依然向下;
1.The tensions have been stoked by rival claims to parts of the South China Sea. 雙方的關係因對南中國海部分有爭議的領海要求而更加緊張。
2.Beijing, CHINA - We really could not have asked for a better day. The crowd was stoked, the music was bumping and the weather was picture perfect. 北京,中國-我們不可能要求有更好的一天了,觀眾們被點燃了無比的熱情在現場勁暴的音樂和雪場如畫的藍天下。
3.There is no love lost between the two sides following their Carling Cup brawl and Rosicky has stoked the fires by hitting out at Chelsea's style of play. 聯賽杯決賽的衝突後,兩支球隊之間並沒有產生什麼仇恨,不過羅西基對切爾西打法風格的諷刺點燃了切爾西的怒火。