Complaints Hotline 投訴電話;遊客投訴電話;服務監督電話;投訴熱線;franking machine hotline 郵資蓋印機熱線 郵政;郵資蓋印機熱線;HOTLINE GAMES 火線競技;Market Hotline 市場熱線;出國探索熱線;出國留學探索熱線;Call me up hotline 快打熱線給我吧;
1.Works Complaints &Enquiries, Water Supplies - Leaking Fire Hydrants/Burst Water Mains/Leaking Water Mains/Water Accts, Water Supplies Dept, Customer Telephone Enquiry Ctr (24 Hrs Hotline. 工務投訴及查詢,水務-消防龍頭漏水/水管爆裂/水管漏水/水費查詢,水務署,客戶電話諮詢中心(24小時熱線。
2.Additional Information: above Beijing to Libreville, ticket prices are real and effective, does not contain any tax, the details of Consulting Services hotline. 附加信息:以上 北京到利伯維爾機票價 格均真實有效,不含任何稅金,詳情咨詢公司服務熱線。
3.Fees for Artistry Beauty Class are product redeemable. Please call Amway Hotline on 2969 6300 for details. 美容班之費用可用作選購雅姿產品,查詢詳情請電安利熱線29696300。
4.In case "Priority Banking" Card is lost, the customer should apply for reissuing through the Bank's toll-free hotline 800-820-8088 and assume the consequential losses himself. 「優先理財」卡一旦遺失,客戶應及時向銀行申請補卡,銀行服務熱線:800-820-8088。由於該「優先理財」卡的遺失造成客戶任何的損失,由客戶自行承擔。
5.On the 20th of Sep. in 1989, 19 warmhearted people opened a "Serve For You" hotline for the young people who just got to Shenzhen. 1989年9月20日,19名熱心人士為遇到困難的來深青年開通了「為您服務」熱線電話,成為深圳第一支義工隊伍。