isadoran. 伊莎多拉(女子名)
ISADORA 依莎多拉;伊莎多拉;絕代美人(鄧肯傳);再生之神的恩賜;Isadora Duncan 鄧肯;伊莎多拉·鄧肯;艾莎道拉·鄧肯;肯女士;Isadora Duncan Award 鄧肯獎;Isadora gift of the moon 女性英文名字 希臘;
1.Isadora Duncanisknown as the "Mother of the Modern dance", but even ballet was influenced by the radical elan of her ideas. 伊莎多拉·鄧肯被譽為「當代舞之母」,就連芭蕾也遭到了她勢如破竹的保守觀念的影響。
2.Although some critics ridiculed her flowing and expressive movements, Isadora brought flexibility and self-expression to the hidebound world of classical dance. 盡量對她那行雲流水般富饒浮現力的作為持譏笑態度的指摘家大有在,但伊莎多拉卻為板滯的古典舞蹈界帶來了靈動和自我浮現力。
3.Although some critics ridiculed her flowing and expressive movements, Isadora brought flexibility and self-expression to the hidebound world of classical dance. 假使對她那行雲流水般富饒表示力的行動持挖苦態度的議論家大有在,但伊莎多拉卻為機械的古典舞蹈界帶來了靈動和自我表示力。