





Cental State University of New York of New York 美國紐約中央州立大學;Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York 天主教紐約總教區;and Reverend Galamison I guess you've heard of him is another Christian minister in New York who has been deeply involved in the school boycotts to eliminate segregated education 我自己本身也是部長,不是基督教部長而是穆斯林教部長,我相信在鬥爭的所有陣線上,無論哪一個條陣線都是必要的。;在我們審問和解釋之前,投票和子彈是什麼意思,我願意闡明關於我自己的某些事情。我仍然是穆斯林信徒;馬丁路德金也是一個基督教部長,沿著亞特蘭大和喬治亞他作為另一個為了我們國家黑人的權利組織鬥爭的首領;我的信仰仍然是伊斯蘭教。那是我個人的信仰。正如亞當克萊頓鮑威爾是一個基督教的部長一樣,他作為在紐約阿比西Cape York 約克角;約克岬;約克角半島;約克角;York Chow 週一岳;


1.New York campus Diaoyutai action committee set up to defend the New York branch. 紐約校區成立保衛釣魚台行動委員會紐約分會。

2.New York Foundling, an agency in New York, runs a crisis centre, where parents can leave their children for up to three weeks. 紐約一家名為紐約棄兒的機構,旗下經營一個危機中心,可以允許父母把孩子寄留在那,限時不超過三周。

3.The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, the oldest specialty hospital in the Western Hemisphere, is the primary teaching hospital for the New York Medical College. 紐約眼耳鼻喉科醫院是西半球最古老的專科醫院,它同時也是紐約醫學院的主要教學醫院。

4.Speaker of New York City Council, and New York City Mayoral Candidate Gifford Miller announced his school plan in front of CCBA. 紐約市議會議長、紐約市長候選人米勒在中華公所門外宣佈他的教育政策。

5.They come from this great country in all directions from the south California to Washington state Ohio to New York state Mohawk from Hawaii to North Carolina and New York state cloth law Luo river. 他們來自這個偉大國家的四面八方從南加利福尼亞州到華盛頓州,從俄亥俄到紐約州的莫霍克,從夏威夷到北卡羅來納和紐約州的布法洛。


I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on Dec. 24. - 我們一個10天的旅行團還有空位,12月24號離開紐約。

He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me. - 他走不開 沒辦法和我一起來紐約。

No, no. But I do have very close friends in New York City. - 沒有。我在紐約有很要好的朋友。

Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City. - 我們很高興報告諸位 Amtrak火車就要到達紐約了。

He's going to be in New York tomorrow - 明天, 他要來紐約

I think New York has all the conveniences-- - 我覺得紐約具備了一切便利的條件

the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic. - 紐約市芭蕾舞團, 紐約愛樂的大本營。

I met with Bill York today. - 今天我跟Bill York會面了。

And I talked with Mr. Marchetta. Did York make the offer? - 我也和Marchrtta先生談了。York是否跟你談那個工作機會?

what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. - 紐約時報的那個人會說些什麼。

I want to take a flight to New York tomorrow. - 我想明天坐飛機到紐約。

We made New York after dark. - 我們在天黑後到達紐約。

New York is famous for its tall buildings. - 紐約以高樓大廈而聞名。

What flights do you have from New York to London tomorrow? - 明天從紐約飛往倫敦的有哪幾班機?

Then I asked him if he knew anybody in New York . - 然後我問他是否他在紐約認識人。

If I get my work finished in time,I'll leave for New York Monday. - 如果我把工作及時完成了,我將星期一去紐約。

He went to grade school in New york and high school in Cicargo. - 他在紐約上小學並在Cicargo上高中。

Do you have a flight to New York departing at about 10 a.m. Next Monday? - 你們有下週一大約下午10點起飛到紐約的班機嗎?

So you can take M/T, and they will take a longer time to reach New York Bank. - 那麼你要採用信匯,只是信匯匯款到紐約銀行用的時間較長。

I will be shopping in New York in June. - 我將在六月份在紐約購物。

He will fly to New York next month. - 下個月他將飛往紐約。

The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. - 場地選在了紐約港入口處的一個鳥上。

Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America. - 從那時起,這座偉大的紀念碑對通過紐約港進入美國定居的千百萬人來說就一直是自由的象徵。

Recently the New York Animal Medical Center made a study of 132 cats over a period of five months. - 最近,紐約動物醫療中心對132隻貓進行了為期5個月的綜合研究。

Of course, New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of tall buildings. - 當然,紐約是進行這種有趣的試驗的一個理想的地方,因為那裡根本不缺乏高樓大廈,有的是高層的窗檻從上往下墜落。

The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. - 巨輪「泰坦尼克」號1912年4月10日從南安普敦起錨駛向紐約。

Verrazano, an Italian about whom little is known, sailed into New York Harbour in 1524 and named it Angouleme. - 1524年,一位鮮為人知的意大利人維拉薩諾駕船駛進紐約港,並將該港名為安古拉姆。

New York is built on a group of islands on the east coast of the USA at a point where several rivers flow into the ocean. - 紐約市建立在美國東海岸的一群島嶼上,那兒是好幾條河流入海的交匯點。

After the War of Independence ended, New York became the capital of the USA for a short time (1789-90) before Washington, D.C. - 獨立戰爭結束以後,在華盛頓成為首都之前,紐約市曾經一度是美國的首都,不過時間很短(1789-90)。

By 1820 the population of New York had grown to about 125,000, making it the largest city in the USA. - 到1820年,紐約市的人口增長到12。5萬人左右,使它成了當時美國最大的城市。

The building of skyscrapers in New York began around the year 1900. - 在1900年左右,摩天樓開始在紐約興建。

New York never sleeps. - 紐約是一座不眠的城市。

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