connoted[kə'nəut]vt. 意味著;含言外之意
connoted 被隱含的;
1.While the Law of the Jungle connoted with ecological ideas is his ideal solution to all the social problems. 而其作品中所蘊涵的生態意識和叢林法則是他企圖調和一切矛盾的一種理想。
2.The distinctiveness connoted in Shen's creations can be sufficiently revealed if we explain his creations from the viewpoint of aesthetic modernity. 須從審美現代性的維度去解讀沈氏創作,其創作所內蘊的獨異性才能得到充分的揭示。
3.Do you recall using those ancient computers that ran with the Gopher program or some generic database whose name connoted a marmot that could take half an hour to find Moby Dick? 你還記得使用那些古老的計算機,靠運行黃鼠工具程序,或者是一種名字意味著土撥鼠的某種數據庫,要花上半個小時的時間才能找到《大白鯊》這本小說嗎?