n. celebration
festivity[fes'tiviti]n. 歡慶,歡宴;慶典;歡樂
Festivity 歡慶;歡宴,歡慶;節日,歡慶;慶典;Helio Festivity 大陽祭典;Fujen Comic Festivity 輔大漫畫祭;conviviality festival festivity 歡宴;Meaning of the Drinking Festivity in the Districts 意義飲用水節日在各區;
1.There was an air of festivity as they approached the playground, which was hung with bunting and balloons. 在他們趕往掛滿了彩旗和氣球的操場時,有一種節日的氣氛。
2.Because of the expense and impropriety of festivity during the height of war, the oath of office was taken on the South Portico of the White House. 由於在戰爭高峰時不宜慶祝花費,宣誓儀式在白宮的南廊舉行,由首席大法官哈蘭-斯東主持的。
3.The anniversary is the occasion for great festivity not just among native Norwegians but among all people of Norwegian descent, especially in the American Midwest. 每年這一天不僅對挪威本地人,而且對世界各地的挪威裔,特別是對美國中西部的挪威裔來說,都是一個重大的紀念日。