diptych[diptik]n. 雙連畫;雙折的記事板
diptych 雙折記事板;雙折的畫;雙折的記事板;雙連畫;Diptych of the Duchess and Duke of Urbino 烏爾比諾公爵夫婦肖像;
1.The images are projected side by side as a large diptych on two adjacent screens mounted to the wall. 畫面被安置在鄰近的定在牆上的大幅雙折畫面上。
2.Employing a diptych-like composition, Hatakeyama's photographs at first deceives the viewer into believing that the photograph is one continuous scene; a beautiful shot of a nightscape or canal. 町山直哉僱用了一個製作雙連畫式的組織,讓他的照片先是誘導觀眾相信照片中夜色或水道的美麗場景是連續的。
3.His famous diptych portrait of his patrons, Count Federico da Montefeltro and his wife (c. 1470), is known for its unidealized depiction of their features and the use of landscape in the background. 為蒙太費爾特羅伯爵和其妻所畫的雙聯畫像(1470?)也是其著名作品,對人物形像採用了非理想化的表現,並以風景作背景。