MASMabbr. 微軟宏彙編語言(Microsoft Macro Assembler)
MASM Mobile Agent Based Service Mobility;宏彙編編譯器;MASM MacroAssembler 宏彙編器(微軟的);MASM MultilevelAmplitudeShiftKeying 多級振幅換檔鍵控;
1.In addition to all of this, macros and directives work completely differently to MASM. See chapter 4 and chapter 5 for further details. 除了這些區別外,宏和偽指令完全不同於MASM。詳情請參見第4章和第5章。
2.Here's a quick example in pseudo assembly (based loosely on 8086 code using MASM) with roughly corresponding C functions listed next to it. 這裡有一個偽彙編寫的快速例子(使用MASM基於鬆散的8086代碼),右邊列出大致對應的C語句。
3.Finally, because the text in braces has the same format as ordinary MASM text, you can easily cut and paste text from existing MASM source files. 最後,因為{}中的代碼格式和MASM中的代碼格式相同,你可以輕鬆地將已存在的MASM源文件中的代碼複製到{}中。