





piece by piece 逐漸地;一點一點地;真情剪影;一件一件地;piece-by-piece distribution method 依件配材法;Sharing fields became piece by piece 攤成了一片片田地;Fallen leaf's hope is piece by piece in a dilemma 落葉的期盼片片左右為難;The bubble girl of all-purpose gentleman lives -- night actual combat piece the late night dates piece 萬能先生的泡妞生活——夜晚實戰篇深夜約會篇;


1.The first is the one yuan coin, then fifty-cent piece, ten-cent piece, a five-cent piece. 第一種是一元硬幣,其次是五角硬幣,一角,五分。

2.They still gonna take pictures of my derriere in the magazine. You want a piece of me? You want a piece, piece of me? 他們把我的美臀放到了雜誌裡你想知道我的點點滴滴嗎?你想知道嗎?

3.Most auction houses have their own rules and policies for authenticating a piece, placing a piece on auction and making a sale. 大多數拍賣行有自己的規則和策略來鑒定、拍賣藝術品。

4.When chatting, still but aleatoric shift chats the position of area piece, use clavier to amend chatting area piece size. 聊天時,還可任意移動聊天區塊的位置,並使用鍵盤修改聊天區塊的大小。

5.The good fortune character set congregates together with the handicraft becoming very fine luckiness of a piece hanging piece. 與工藝福字組合在一起成為一件非常美好的吉祥掛件。


It's going to be a piece of cake. - 這種事不費吹灰之力。

This is fun. It's a piece of cake. - 有意思 毫不費力。

Oh, you'll do it. It's a piece of cake. - 噢 你辦得到的。這不費吹灰之力。

One piece of advice. - 給你一句忠告。

With a piece of meat on a string! - 用一根繩子拴著一點肉

Advice doesn't normally come cheap, but this piece is for free... - 通常來說,忠告都是價值不菲的,但這個是免費贈送的。。。

I can't put my finger on what exactly makes a written piece a classic. - 我不知道什麼使一篇著作成為經典。

You have to appreciate the work that has gone into this piece of art. - 你不得不佩服他為完成這件作品所傾注的心血。

I see you are qualified, and have a piece of paper to prove it, but how you perform is the only thing this company is interested in. - 我知道你能勝任並有學歷證書,但這間公司更注重是的你的工作能力。

It's a piece of cake. - 這是小菜一碟。

A piece of chewing gum stuck to my shoe. - 一片口香糖粘在我的鞋上。

Tom gave Helen an apple in exchange for a piece of cake. - 湯姆用一個蘋果和海淪換一塊蛋糕。

Please give me a piece of pie. - 請給我一個蘋果餅。

I've never heard that piece before.Who wrote it? - 我從來沒聽過那樂章,那是誰寫的?

Have another piece of cake, please. - 請再吃一塊蛋糕吧。

He has a piece of cake. - 他有一塊蛋糕。

A piece of cheese.A loaf of bread.A bar of soap. - 一塊乳酪、一塊麵包、一塊肥皂、

Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. - 然後把一塊乳酪裝進衣袋裡走了。

Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. - 去年,當我們橫渡英吉利海峽時,簡把寫有她姓名和住址的一張紙條裝進了一隻瓶子,

The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam hammer. - 其中最奇妙的是內史密斯的蒸汽錘。

He could not find his fifty pence piece anywhere, and what is more, - 但他摸了半天也沒找到那50便士硬幣,

He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. - 晚會結束時,他嘴裡還在嘟噥著醫院的事,突然踩到一塊冰上滑倒了,摔斷了左腿。

From this the captain was able to piece together all the information that had come to light. - 據此,船長可以將所有的那些已經搞清的材料拼湊起來。

Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information. - 警察與工人都對那個學生事先通報情況表示感謝。

She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help the next morning for such a monstrous piece of negligence, - 她心想明天上午一定要好好訓斥那個干家務的幫手,她竟如此疏忽大意。

She felt inhere handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down al the details of the journey and gave it to the porter. - 她從錢包裡摸出一張紙條,那上面有她父親對這次旅行詳細說明,她把這張紙條交給了搬運工。

Tie a heavy weight at the end of a long piece of string. - 把一個重物拴在一根長繩子的一端,

Imagine a pen attached to the weight in such a way that its point rests upon a piece of paper on the floor. - 假定把一支筆拴在重物上,筆尖落在地板上的一張紙上,

A piece of chewing gum stuck to my shoe. - 一片口香糖粘在了我的鞋子上。

I have them on this piece of paper. Now let me call your names. OK? - 我這張紙上有你們的名字。現在我來點名。好嗎?

Excuse me. May I have a piece of paper, please? - 請問,我可以要一張紙嗎?

Yes. I wrote it down on a piece of paper. Here it is! - 是的。我寫在一張紙上了。在這兒!

I don't know! The address was on a piece of paper,but I can't find it now! - 我不知道!地址在一張紙上,但現在找不著了!

Every day you can have one apple, one orange, one piece of dry bread, and a glass of water. - 你每天可以吃一個蘋果,一個桔子,一塊麵包,還有一杯水。

Would you like another piece of beancurd? - 再吃一塊豆腐好嗎?

I didn't have any supper, except a piece of bread, because I didn't feel very well. - 晚餐我只吃了一片麵包,別的什麼也沒吃,因為我覺得不舒服。

After they carved the characters on rocks, they put a piece of wet paper on top of the characters and beat it lightly. - 他們把字刻在石塊上後,再把一張潮濕的紙放在字的上面,並輕輕地拍打。

No. The next development was to carve the characters on a piece of wood. - 是的,不像。下一步的發展是將漢字刻在一片木板上。

After that they pressed a piece of paper on top, and printed a whole page of a book. - 然後,再把一張紙壓在上面,就印出了一整頁書。

Do you think so? Do you think managers want to read what users think about a new piece of office equipment? - 你這樣認為嗎?你認為經理們會考慮用戶對一件辦公設備的反映嗎?

OK. We can get some more tomorrow. We should finish the floor now. Can you take the other end of this piece of wood? Now you have to pull it to make the surface smooth like that. - 好吧。我們明天再多買些。現在我們應該把地板弄好。你能抓住木板的另一端嗎?現在你要來回拉動木板,使它的表面像那塊兒木板一樣光滑。

From time to time, I notice that he puts a piece of meat down his trousers just before he leaves the factory. - 我經常看到,他在快要離廠前把一塊肉藏在褲子裡。

One of the first jobs when you start work in an office is to learn how to use every piece of equipment. - 你在辦公室開始工作的第一件事就是要學會怎樣使用辦公室裡的每樣設備。


eye piece micrometer - 目鏡測微計


橋基,橋固位體 - abutment piece

n.鍾型胸件 - bell type chest piece

壁爐台 - chimney piece

n.連接段 - connecting piece

n.接耳端管 - ear piece

n.尾段 - end piece

切除片 - excised piece

n.目鏡測微計 - eye piece micrometer

n.面具,面殼 - face piece

n.機頭 - hand piece

n.連接段,中段 - middle piece

一段牙模 - one piece cast denture

主段,主部 - principal piece

n.橡皮片 - rubber piece

n.分泌片,分泌肽段 - secretory piece

n.分泌肽段,運載肽段 - transport piece

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