auxotroph['ɔ:ksətrɔf]n. [生]營養缺陷型;營養缺陷體
auxotroph 營養缺陷型;營養缺陷體,營養缺陷型;營養突變體;營養缺陷生物;auxotroph auxotrophy 營養缺陷型;biotin auxotroph 釋義:生物素營養缺陷型;triple auxotroph 三營養缺陷型;auxotroph mutant 營養缺陷突變株;
1.An auxotroph requires, in addition to the principal carbon source, one or more organic nutrients. 缺陷營養生物除需要主要碳源外,還需要一種或幾種有機養料。
2.auxotroph:an organism, such as a strain of bacteria, that has lost the ability to synthesize certain substances required for its growth and metabolism as the result of mutational changes. 營養缺陷型 :一種有機體,如細菌菌株,因某種突變的結果而失去合成某種生長及代謝所需物質的能力。
3.auxotroph:an organism, such as a strain of bacteria, that has lost the ability to synthesize certain substances required for its growth and metabolism as the result of mutational changes. 營養缺陷型:一種有機體,如細菌菌株,因某種突變的結果而失去合成某種生長及代謝所需物質的能力。