





guide road sign route sign signpost 路標;make the sign of the cross sign of the cross 用手劃十字;equal mark equal sign equals sign 等號;equal mark equal sign equals sign 等號;equal mark equal sign equals sign 等號;


1.Results The main radiographic features of subpulmonic effusion included pseudodiaphragm sign, heart shadow silhouette sign, double diaphragm sign and sign of free fluid. 結果肺底積液的主要X線表現是假膈征、心淹征、雙膈影征和變換體位液體瀰散徵象。

2.Results:We found some signs are of great importance:opaque glass sign, alveolar nodular sign, pathologic air bronchogram sign. 結果:磨砂玻璃征,腺泡樣結節,病理性支氣管氣相具有重要的診斷價值。

3.Results:We found some signs are of great importance:opaque glass sign, alveolar nodular sign, pathologic air bronchogram sign. 結果:磨砂玻璃征,腺泡樣結節,病理性支氣管氣相具有重要的診斷價值。

4.In broad sense, Sign language includes dactylology and Chinese sign. Dactylology plays a different role in language learning among different hearing. 本文認為,手語從廣義上說包括聾人手語與手勢漢語兩種,從狹義上說即指聾人手語,這與過去手語研究者的觀念是大相逕庭的。

5.At place far away from emergency exit, set up "Emergency Exit" sign in combination with "Evacuation Channel Direction" sign, the arrow must point the direction of Emergency Exit. 在遠離緊急出口的地方,將「緊急出口」標誌與「疏散通道方向」標誌聯合設置,箭頭必須指向通往緊急出口的方向;


That sounds fantastic. Where do I go to sign up for that tour? - 那聽起來好極了。我到哪裡去報名參加呢?

Sure. Would you please sign your name on the back, sir, with your passport number? - 每問題。先生,請您在支票背後簽上名字和護照號碼。

Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast? - 您今天早上沒有打長途電話或吃早餐記賬?

Then, when shall we sign the contract? - 那麼,我們什麼時候簽合同?

we'll send you a letter of appointment and can sign a full distributor contract. - 我們將給你們送上一份聘書,並簽訂一份總的銷售合同。

Thank you. I'll make out the contract for you to sign tomorrow. - 謝謝。我將起草合同,明天就簽。

Good. Can we sign them right away? - 好的。我們現在可以簽合同了嗎?

Would you like to sign the contract now? - 你現在要簽這合同嗎?

We'll sign two originals, each in the Chinese and English language. - 我們將要用中文和英文分別簽署兩份原件。

Where do I sign this? - 我簽在哪裡?

My, what a downpour! And there doesn't seem to be any sign of its stopping. - 哎呀,好大的雨呀!沒有一點像要停的樣子。

Then an adult must sign for you. - 那就必須有一位成年人來替你簽字。

someone to sign for the loan for you. - 找個人為你們的貸款簽個名。

to ask Dad to sign as a guarantor. - 請爸爸當擔保人為我簽字。

Or someone can sign with us as a guarantor. - 或者有人能當擔保人幫我們簽字。

The welcome sign is up: - 歡迎的標語已經弄好了:

The welcome sign over the door. - 門上的歡迎標語。

I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people - 我還必須為許多人在我的書上簽名

No, I could never agree to sign this contract. - 不,我無論如何也不會簽這份合同。

How did you sign the letter?Did you write, sincerely yours? - 你怎麼簽名信的?你寫了"真誠地你的"?

We'll sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language. - 我們將要用中文和英語分別簽署兩份原件。

I am ready to sign the agreement. - 我已經準備好了簽合同。

So I will receive and sign it overnight. - 那麼,我明天就可以收到並且簽上名了。

Please sign a copy of our Sales Contract No.156 enclosed here in duplicate and return to us for our file. - 請會簽第156號銷售合同一式兩份中的一份,將它寄回我方存檔。

We have agreed on all terms in the contract. Shall we sign it next week? - 我們對合同各項條款全無異議,下周簽合同如何?

Will you sign with our contract at this price? - 你能以這個價錢在合約上簽字嗎?

Three hundred thousand dollars! I think you should sign with our team. - 三十萬美元啊!我想你會和我們球隊簽約的。

If you sign this contract all of your financial worries will be over! - 如果你在這份合約上簽字,你就和金錢的勞累一刀兩斷了。

As a sign of friendship, Gordon and Peter clasped hands. - 為了象徵友誼,高頓和彼德互相握手。

An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. - 晚霞紅如火,曉色青如灰,定是晴朗天。

It is an evil sign to see a fox lick a lamb. - 狐狸舔羔羊,不是好跡象。

It is an evil sign too see a fox lick a lamb. - 狐狸舔羔羊,這是凶跡象。

It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. - 用慷慨激昂的言語攻擊傲慢並不是謙遜的標誌。

Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, 'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!' - 「凡在此樹林裡丟棄垃圾者,將依法處置。

This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter! - 這次是郵遞員,他要我簽收一封掛號信!

All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmaster's home. - 所有湊錢買此禮品的人都將自己的名字簽在一本大簽名簿上,簽名簿將被送到校長的家裡。

The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life being an ugly-looking black goat on a short length of rope tied to a tree in a field nearby. - 村裡似乎無人居住,唯一的生命跡像是附近田里一隻面目可憎的黑山羊,用一截短繩拴在一棵樹上。

The first sign of disaster was a dead sheep floating down.Next came a horse, swimming bravely, - 災難的第一跡像是一隻死羊順流而下,接著一匹活馬勇敢地與水搏擊。

and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, - 並且意識到這象徵著孩子們正在成熟和發展寶貴的觀察力、獨立判斷力,

Would you be kind enough to sign our visitors book? - 請在來賓簿上簽名好嗎?

We can't sign the contract yet. - 我們還不能在契約上簽字。

Who is going to sign the contract for your side? - 誰代表你們這一方簽約?

I'd like to look this over before I sign it. - 簽約之前我想再看過一遍。

Just sign there on the bottom. - 那麼,就請在下面這裡簽個名。

All we have to do is sign the contract. - 剩下的只要簽訂個契約就行了。

Please sign a copy of our Sales Contract No.156 enclosed here in duplicate and return to us for our file. - 請會簽第156號銷售合同一式兩份中的一份,將它寄回我方存檔。

We have agreed on all terms in the contract. Shall we sign it next week? - 我們對合同各項條款全無異議,下周簽合同如何?

We'll sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language. - 我們將要用中文和英語分別簽署兩份原件。

I am ready to sign the agreement. - 我已經準備好了簽合同。

So I will receive and sign it overnight. - 那麼,我明天就可以收到並且簽上名了。


early sign of heatstroke; premonitory heatstroke - 先兆中暑

sign stimulus - 信息刺激

sign of lobulation - 分葉征

sign of pericardial effusion - 心包積液征

sign pro; signa nomine proprio - 標記藥名

sign of capillary pulsation - 毛細血管搏動征

sign; sign fo disease - 病徵

sign of cirrhosis - 肝硬變徵象

psoas sign; sign of greater psoas muscle - 腰大肌征

sign of ascites - 腹水征

irritation sign of bladder - 膀胱刺激症狀

localization sign of intracranial tumor - 顱內腫瘤定位征


n.克累姆氏征 - air-cushion sign

n.克累姆氏征 - aircushion sign

n.昂德臘爾氏征 - andrals sign

n.安-托二氏征 - andre-thomas sign

n.安傑利斯庫氏征 - anghelescus sign

前驅征,先兆征 - antecedent sign

前脛骨綜合征,前脛骨征 - anterior tibial sign

n.皮奧特羅夫斯基氏征 - anticus sign

n.阿羅約氏征,瞳孔反應遲鈍 - arroyos sign

n.奧恩布魯格氏征 - auenbruggers sign

n.巴貝斯氏征 - babes sign

n.巴彬斯奇氏征 - babinskis sign

n.巴切利氏征 - baccellis sign

n.巴蘭斯氏征 - ballances sign

n.巴累氏征 - ballets sign

n.巴臘尼氏征 - baranys sign

n.巴爾氏征 - bards sign

n.巴雷氏錐體征 - barres pyramidal sign

n.巴雷氏征 - barres sign

n.巴斯勒氏征 - basslers sign

n.巴斯特竇氏征 - bastedos sign

n.巴特爾氏征 - battles sign

n.博梅氏征 - baumes sign

n.貝卡裡亞氏征 - beccarias sign

n.貝克爾氏征 - beckers sign

n.貝格爾氏征 - bergers sign

n.比爾默氏征,比佛爾氏征 - biermers sign

n.賓達氏征 - bindas sign

n.布耶魯姆氏征 - bjerrums sign

n.布隆堡氏征 - blumbergs sign

n.布路默氏征 - blumers sign

n.鉑阿斯氏征 - boas sign

n.布拉加爾氏征 - bragards sign

n.布-希二氏收縮,布-希二氏征 - braxton-hicks sign

n.希克斯氏征 - braxtonhicks sign

n.布倫納氏征 - brenners sign

n.布裡克訥氏征 - brickners sign

n.布裡頓氏征 - brittains sign

n.布羅德本特氏倒置征 - broadbents inveted sign

n.布羅迪氏征 - brodies sign

n.布朗氏急壓爆裂征 - browns dipping crackle sign

n.布朗氏重力征 - browns gravitation sign

n.布魯金斯基氏反射,屈頸試驗 - brudzinskis sign

n.布魯納提氏征 - brunatis sign

n.康特利氏征 - cantellis sign

n.查多克氏征 - chaddocks sign

n.查德韋克氏征 - chadwicks sign

n.沃斯特克氏征 - chvostek-weiss sign

n.沃斯特克氏征 - chvosteks sign

n.臨床徵象 - clinical sign

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