





n. 20 ,twenty dollar bill ,xxa. 20 ,xx


twenty['twenti]n. 二十;二十年代num. 二十adj. 二十的


TWENTY 閃爍的螢火蟲;怎麼啦?;二十,二十個;中央空調-傳奇;Twenty Four 二十四;吞的福;反恐24小時;Chapter Twenty 澳大利亞的公共假日;twenty minutes 二十分鐘;20分鐘;Part Twenty 審訊龍塵一;


1.I can see twenty English books. 我能看見二十本英語書。

2.I see twenty dolls on the shelf! 我看到二十個娃娃在書架上!

3.I have two sisters; one is twenty the other is eighteen. 我有兩個妹妹,一個是二十歲,另一個是十八歲。


Only a five percent discount? How about twenty percent? - 只打九五折?八折怎麼樣?

Well, it's eight twenty now. - 現在是八點二十了。

He has to drive for twenty minutes to get from his house to his office. - 從他的家到他的辦公室有20分鐘的車程。

I'm twenty and proud that I've never fed myself! - 我二十歲了,但是,以從來不會自己掙錢吃飯為傲。

In fifty years there'll be twenty people per square yard, it is written here. - 這裡寫著,再過五十年每平方碼將要住著20人的人口密度。

There were twenty cars in the race. - 參加比賽的有20輛汽車。

I've live here for twenty years. - 我在這裡住了20年了。

It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time. - 再過20分鐘,大鐘將敲響12下。

While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. - 當他吃飯時,我提出向他借20英鎊。

It was stolen twenty years ago when Dan was a boy of fifteen! - 這是20年前丹還是一個15歲的孩子時被人偷走的!

The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. - 事實上搜尋工作很困難,因為常常是早晨在甲地發現那只美洲獅,晚上卻在20英里外的乙地發現它的蹤跡。

A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. - 有一位名演員曾在一出極為成功的劇目中扮演一個貴族角色,這個貴族已在巴士底獄被關押了20年。

found a brother who was thought to have been killed twenty years before. - 巴斯曼如何找到了據信已在20年前死去的兄弟的事。

Glancing at his map, he informed us that the next village was a mere twenty miles away. - 他瞥了一眼地圖,告訴我們前面再走不到20英里就是一個村莊。

He was glad to get away with a mere twenty pounds and he beat a hasty retreat, clutching the precious bottle under his arm. - 他慶幸自己只破費了20英鎊便得以脫身。他把那寶貴的瓶子放在腋下夾著,溜之大吉。

Imagine a star up t twenty times larger, brighter, brighter and hotter than our own sun. - 設想一下,一顆恆星比我們的太陽還要大,還要亮,還要熱20倍,

She entered the station twenty minutes before the train was due, - 在火車進站20分鐘前她就進了車站。

The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between fifteen and twenty years, - 捕捉15至20歲之間年齡的大象進行馴練最為經濟。

that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the present-day world upside down, or even destroying it. - 二三十頁材料中的思想和情報會使當今的世界天翻地覆,甚至毀滅這個世界。

Not far. My house is about twenty minutes by bike. - 離的不遠,騎自行車大約20分鐘的路程。

A drink? We've only just started! There are twenty more trees to be planted! - 喝水?我們才剛剛開始!還有20多株樹要種呢!

For twenty years Gandhi played an important role in working for equal rights for Indians. - 二十多年間,甘地在為印度人民爭取平等權利的奮頭中發揮了很重要的作用。


lysergic acid diethylamide; lysergic diethyl amide; ticket; twenty five; twentyfive - 麥角酰二乙胺


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