disinvestment[,disin'vestmənt]n. 收回投資;蝕本
disinvestment 蝕本;收回投資;負投資,減資;投資縮減;induced disinvestment 由其它因素誘發的投資減少;Disinvestment from South Africa 南非撤資運動;maximum disinvestment floor 投資收縮的最低限度;
1.Wenzhou folk houses in Shanghai has been in the spotlight. but a little while ago called "disinvestment" hearsay is a seething hot. 溫州人在滬購房一直是人們關注的焦點,而前一陣所謂「撤資」的傳聞更是被炒得沸沸揚揚的。
2.The investor could through money increasing and change to cash quit to investment, and through profit dispensing reach to purpose of disinvestment. 投資者可以增值變現的方式退出投資,也可通過公司利潤分紅達到逐步收回投資的目的。
3.Ng believes that the individual property Wenzhou businessmen from Shanghai disinvestment, undeniable Wenzhou businessmen independence bell Shanghai market basic facts. 吳昊認為,溫州商人從上海的個別樓盤撤資,否定不了溫州客商獨鍾上海市場的基本事實。