





carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;carbide end mill carbide end milling cutter hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀;


1.Dont use the word biweekly. It has two meanings: twice a week and every other week. The same applies to bimonthly. Instead, write every other week or twice a week. 不要用「雙周」之類的詞,因為這有可能產生歧義----是兩周還是每隔一周?類似的詞還有雙月,所以最好這樣寫:兩周或每隔一周。

2.Don't use the word "biweekly. " It has two meanings: twice a week every other week. The same applies to "bimonthly. " Instead, write "every other week" or "twice a week. " 不要用「雙周」之類的詞,因為這有可能產生歧義——是兩周還是每隔一周?類似的詞還有「雙月」,所以最好這樣寫:「兩周」或「每隔一周」。

3.The Golden Week at first is leave of absence gold week, the family Golden Week, the social efficiency is bigger than the economic efficiency, not only but traveling Golden Week. 黃金周首先是休假黃金周、親情黃金周,社會效益大於經濟效益,而不只是旅遊黃金周。

4.Problem sets were assigned approximately once every week, and were typically due one week later. Graded problem sets were returned to students after another week. 問題大約每個星期分配一次,基本上是隔周交回,等級評分將在另一個星期後交會到學生手上。

5.At the end of this ceremony, we invited somebody to make a group photo of ourselves. Under the happy cheer, the ceremony of science&culture week came to an end. 在最後結束之前,今天負責開幕式的工作人員都希望來一次合影作為紀念。「一、二、三,耶~~」伴隨著快樂的歡呼,為科技文化周的開幕式劃上了一個圓滿的句號。

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