VCRabbr. 可變壓縮比(Variable Compression Ratio);錄像機(Video Cassette Recorder)
VCR 長春新鹼;錄像機;video cassette recorder;磁帶錄像機;VCR - 可變壓縮比;盒式磁帶錄像;盒試錄影機;視頻通迅系統;Portable VCR 便攜式攝影機;VCR Player 錄像機;vhs vcr 錄像機;光盤刻錄機;
1.When recording on a VCR in this configuration, always set the audio input to mic. 在這種配置中要在vcr上錄音時,必須將音頻輸入接到麥克風。
2.You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough bucks to buy her a big ring and her own VCR, 'cause she'll want to have videos of the wedding. 除非你有足夠的美刀為女孩子買一個大戒指和一台屬於她自己的錄像機,否則就絕不要吻她,因為她想要把婚禮拍成錄像。
3.Conference Equipment: Telephone, Broadband Service, fax machine, overhead projector, slide projector, flip chart, photocopying service, white board, TV, VCR. 會議設備:電話、寬帶服務、傳真、投影儀、幻燈機、書寫板、複印機、白板、電視、錄像機。