





intrauterine[,intrə'ju:tərain]adj. 子宮內的


intrauterine 子宮內的;子宮內;宮內;intrauterine speculum 子宮內窺器;intrauterine injection 子宮內注射;intrauterine pneumonia 釋義:胎兒肺炎;intrauterine adhesion 釋義:子宮內粘連;


1.Objective To explore the value of Ultrasound in diagnosis of intrauterine remains after drug abortion. 目的探討超聲對藥物流產後宮腔殘留物的診斷價值。

2.However, pregnant mothers can pass the virus to the fetus, and a severe anemia with fetal hydrops and intrauterine demise can result. 但是,懷孕的婦女患病毒感染可以傳給胎兒,胎兒會出現嚴重的貧血、水腫或是形成宮內死胎。

3.Objective To assess the value of serum progesterone assay in the diagnosis of normal intrauterine early pregnancy, threatened abortion, inevitable abortion and ectopic pregnancy. 目的探討血清孕酮值的測定在鑒別正常宮內早早孕、先兆流產、難免流產及異位妊娠中的價值。


removal of intrauterine device - 取環術

intrauterine foreign body - 子宮內異物

intrauterine death - 子宮內死亡

intrauterine asphyxia; intrauterineasphyxia - 子宮內窒息

intra-uterine device; intrauterine contraceptive device; intrauterinecontraceptivedevice - 子宮內避孕器

congenital fracture; intrauterine fracture - 子宮內骨折

intrauterine contraceptive device; intrauterinecontraceptivedevice - 子宮節育器

intrauterine growth retardation - 宮內生長遲緩

intrauterine growth rate - 宮內生長速度

intrauterine fetally malnourished - 宮內胎兒營養不良

intrauterine device; intrauterinedevice - 宮內節育器

intrauterine contraceptive device; intrauterine device; intrauterinecontraceptivedevice; intrauterinedevice - 宮內避孕器

removal of intrauterine device - 宮內避孕器取出術

misplacement of intrauterine device - 宮內避孕器異位

insertion of intrauterine device - 宮內避孕器放置入術

expulsion of intrauterine device - 宮內避孕器脫落

incarceration of intrauterine device - 宮內避孕器鉗閉

diagnosis by intrauterine lavage - 宮腔沖洗液診斷

intrauterine packing - 宮腔填塞術

intrauterine packing with gauze - 宮腔填塞紗布術

intrauterine adhesions; metrosynizesis - 宮腔粘連症

band; intrauterine device; intrauterinedevice - 帶環

pregnancy with intrauterine device - 帶環妊娠

intrauterine device insertion after menstruation - 月經後放環

intrauterine fetal monicoring; intrauterine fetal monitoring - 胎兒宮內情況監護

intrauterine growth retardation; iugr - 胎兒宮內生長遲緩

fetal asphyxia; fetal distress; intrauterine aspghxia; intrauterine asphyxia; intrauterineasphyxia - 胎兒宮內窒息

intrauterine fetal anoxia - 胎兒宮內缺氧

intrauterine pneumonia - 胎兒宮內肺炎

fetal distress; intrauterine asphyxia; intrauterineasphyxia - 胎兒窘迫

expulsion of intrauterine device - 脫環

single steel intrauterine device - 金屬單環


n.宮腔沖洗液診斷 - diagnosis by intrauterine lavage

n.宮內避孕器脫落,脫環 - expulsion of intrauterine device

n.宮內避孕器鉗閉 - incarceration of intrauterine device

n.宮內避孕器放置入術 - insertion of intrauterine device

n.宮內避孕器異位 - misplacement of intrauterine device

n.帶環妊娠 - pregnancy with intrauterine device

n.宮內避孕器取出術,取環術 - removal of intrauterine device

n.金屬單環 - single steel intrauterine device

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