manden. 曼丁哥人;曼丁哥語adj. 曼丁哥人的;曼丁哥語的
Mande languages 曼德諸語言;曼迪語族;曼丁語族;曼德語族;Mande Burung 叢林人;Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre 達蓋爾;Ivan Guz mande Rojas 玻利維亞電腦專家伊凡·古茲曼;Ris ala Mande 米布丁;
1.Louise-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, also a Frenchman, worked as a painter in an opera house. 路易士·雅克·曼德·達蓋爾,也是法國人,在歌劇院當畫家。
2.People of the upper Niger region of Mali who speak a Mande language of the Niger-Congo family. 馬利尼日河上游地區的民族,所使用的語言是尼日-剛果語系的曼德語。
3.Penny, a cargo, fans look very tricky, it is good or bad you can Mande Guo for the time being, but always Duobu Guo. 一分錢,一分貨,影迷們的眼光很刁鑽,是好是歹你暫時可以瞞得過,卻始終都躲不過。