uncast[,ʌn'kɑ:st, -'kæst]adj. 尚未派角色的;未定角的
Uncast 未選定;未定角的;關於低開發區適用的科學技術會議;UNCAST UniversalNamingConvention 通用命名慣例,統一命名約定;UNCAST UnitedNationsConferenceoftheApplicationsofScienceandTechnolo 聯合國科學技術應用會議;UNCAST United Nations Conference of the Applications of Science and Technology 聯合國科學技術應用會議;
1.I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my ascension grid work and subtle bodies. 我意願將我提升晶格層和精微體之間的間隔空間維繫成超過25%的、性質為非業力的任何機械或模式全部扔掉。
2.I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my dreamtime self and my light body body-double. 我意願將我夢想自我和我光體翻版體之間的間隔空間維繫成超過25%的、性質為非業力的任何機械或模式全部扔掉。
3.I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my mental, emotional, intuitive and creative bodies. 我意願將我理智體、情感體、直覺體和創造體之間的間隔空間維繫成超過25%的、性質為非業力的任何機械或模式全部扔掉。