





developing and soaping range open soaper and developing machine 顯色皂洗機;developing and soaping range open soaper and developing machine 顯色皂洗機;developing and soaping range open soaper and developing machine 顯色皂洗機;developing and soaping range open soaper and developing machine 顯色皂洗機;developing and soaping range open soaper and developing machine 顯色皂洗機;


1.Then author discuses the relation between social developing and resource consuming, hereafter makes a conclusion that Chinese mineral resource will not adequate to its economic developing. 其次探討了經濟社會發展和礦產資源消耗之間的關係,得出我國礦產資源對經濟社會的支持力度呈下降趨勢的結論;

2.Author believed that the main developing trend is developing original and high efficient flotation medicament and research new flotation technology at present. 認為目前氧化鉛鋅礦浮選研究的主要發展方向是開發新型高效的浮選藥劑和浮選新工藝。

3.Base on considering developing countries and developing economics, Ishikawa Shigeru lucubrates to the problem of aid policy, and advances new model of aid policy. 基於對發展中國家的考慮與發展經濟學的需要,石川滋近年來提出新發展援助模型,對發展援助問題進行深入研究。

4.Author believed that the main developing trend is developing original and high efficient flotation medicament and research new flotation technology at present. 認為目前氧化鉛鋅礦浮選研究的主要發展方向是開發新型高效的浮選藥劑和浮選新工藝。

5.These materials reveal that Holocene paleosol around Xi′an formed during Megathermal is luvic cinnamon soil developing in warm and humid climate but not developing in subarid climate. 結果表明,該地區全新世大暖期的古土壤為溫濕氣候條件下發育的淋溶褐土,並非過去所稱的半乾旱條件下發育的「黑壚土」。


With a shortage of chromosomes, a developing fetus will likely grow into a child with down syndrome. - 如果缺省染色體,一個處於成長階段的胚胎可能發育成一個具有不良綜合症的小孩。

Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology. - 在發展現在技術方面英國落後於日本。

Mr. Jones is a renowned international authority on the problem of overpopulation in developing countries. - 瓊斯先生在發展中國家人口過剩問題方面是聲譽卓著的國際權威。

Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology. - 在發展現代技術方面,英國落後於日本。

The meat packing industry is developing fast. - 肉類加工業發展迅速。

Furthermore, the acquisition of this bottle cured him of a bad habit he had been developing for years. - 此外,得到這瓶香水泥還治好了他多年的一個壞習慣。

It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, - 後來,明顯看出,兔子對這種疾病已產生了一定程度的免疫力,

and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, - 並且意識到這象徵著孩子們正在成熟和發展寶貴的觀察力、獨立判斷力,

and reduces correspondingly the amount of economic resources that could be used for developing the country. - 從而相應地減少了那部分可以用來發展國家的經濟資源。

We were developing too much waste. - 生產出來的廢品太多了。


developer; developing agent; developingagent - 展開劑

developing tank - 展開槽

thermostatical developing tank - 恆溫顯影桶

developer; developing agent; developingagent - 顯影劑

developing and fixign - 顯影及定影

developing tank - 顯影桶

developer; developing solution - 顯影液

developing tray - 顯影盤

electrical automatic thermostat developing tank - 電動自動恆溫顯影桶


發病機理 - disease developing mechanism

n.電動自動恆溫顯影桶 - electrical automatic thermostat developing tank

n.恆溫顯影桶 - thermostatical developing tank

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