





The research about the further development of modern service industry of Shanghais eleventh-five development plan 下一篇論文: 關於上海「十一The development of intelligence is built upon the development of the soul 心智的發展附在心理發展的上面;Central and Wan Chai Reclamation Development - Development of Urban Design Parameters 中環灣仔填海發展計劃 - 制訂市區設計規範 城市規劃;accelerated development 上升發育;Analysis and development advisement of culture entironment factor towards HuiZou tradition folk domicile community 上一篇論文: 徽洲傳統民居群落文化生態環境要素的分析及發展思考;


1.The essence of development of park is land development, the proper mode of land development is the preconditions of the quick development of park. 園區開發的本質是園區的土地開發,合理的土地開發模式是園區實現快速發展的重要前提條件。

2.To modern people's eyes Throughout the history of human development, human development from the clan tribe, tribal alliance, Chiefdom, country, is constantly integrating their development. 以今人的眼光通觀人類發展史,人類由氏族發展為部落、部落聯盟、酋邦、國家,是不斷融會發展的。

3.The development of information consults industry is an objective request by the knowledge economy development, on the contrary, it push to the knowledge economy development. 信息咨詢業的發展是知識經濟發展的客觀要求,反過來它對知識經濟的發展起著推動的作用。

4.The science development view essential question is the economic society and person's development coordination unification, the development must humanist. 科學發展觀的本質問題是經濟社會和人的發展協調統一,發展必須以人為本。

5.Development (Sprint) - the Development phase is an iterative cycle of development work. 開發(衝刺)-開發階段是開發工作的一個迭代循環。


With the development of urban construction in recene years, more and more skyscrapers have been set up unceasingly. - 隨著近年來城市建設的發展,越來越多的摩天大樓不斷建起。

Because software development is very creative and imaginative word. - 因為軟件開發是富有創造性和想像力的工作。

From those humble beginnings, we have seen the development of the user-friendly home computers and multimedia machines which are in common use today. - 從那些簡陋的初級階段,我們看到了現在都已普及的、使用簡便的家用電腦和多媒體的微機的發展。

Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the development of the Internet, the worldwide system that enables us to communicate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using computers linked to telephone networks. - 當然了,萊昂。巴格瑞特根本沒有可能預測到國際交互網——就是把計算機連結到電話線路上,以便和世界上任何一個地方的人立即進行聯繫的一個世界範圍的通訊系統——的發展。

The development of such a telescope will be one of the great astronomical projects of the twenty-first century. - 而開發這樣一台望遠鏡將會是21世紀天文學的一個重要的研究課題。

What is called 'modern civilization' is not the result of a balanced development of all man's nature. - 所謂「現代文明」並不是人的天性平衡發展的結果,

often hampers the full development of a growing personality. - 而匆忙的生活常常妨礙個性的全面發展。

Where the cost of government is high, resources for development are correspondingly low. - 凡是政府管理費用高的地方,用於發展國家經濟的資金就會相應地減少。

But this phase of our development is now finished. - 但這個發展階段已經結束。

Yet their present development is wholly different, - 但是,這兩個地方目前的發展程度完全不一樣。

No. The next development was to carve the characters on a piece of wood. - 是的,不像。下一步的發展是將漢字刻在一片木板上。

The development of films with sound became a problem for Chaplin. - 有聲電影的研製對卓別林來說就成了問題。

The development of the modern beehive in 1851 made it possible to design experiments to research the language of honey bees. - 1851年現代蜂箱研製出來後,這才有可能來設計實驗,研究蜜蜂的語言。


ascending development method - 上行展開法

cescending development method; descending method - 下行法

the development of TCM - 中醫的發展

restrain the development of pathognic factors - 制止邪氣發展

development organ - 發育器官

latent development period - 發育潛伏期

development investigation; growth survey - 發育調查

development process - 發育過程

development of fertilized ovum - 孕卵發育

formation and development of prescription - 方劑的開成與發展

n. development drilling - 顯像訓練

development time - 顯影時間

development process - 顯色法

n. development of mineral deposit - 沉積礦顯像發展

n. development of oil field - 油田顯像發展

n. development of petroleum reservoir - 石油寶藏的形成

n. development of ore deposit - 礦石沉積過程

n. development of oil reservoir - 硬的發展屯

n. development of coalfield - 碳場顯像發展

n. development in coal preparation - 碳法預備中的顯像

energy research and development administration; erda - 美國能源研究開發署

development of fetus - 胎兒發育

abnormal development of fetus - 胎兒發育異常

embryo growth development factor - 胚胎生長發育因子

development of chromatogram - 色層分離顯譜

development of chromatogram - 色譜展開


n.發育異常 - abnormal development

n.胎兒發育異常 - abnormal development of fetus

異常性慾發展,異常性慾形成 - abnormal sexual development

n.生長發育加速度 - acceleration in growth and development

發育停止,抑制形成 - arrest of development

發育停止 - arrested development

n.發育評價,生長發育評價 - assessment of growth and development

n.上行展開法 - ascending development method

n.顏面發育不對稱 - asymmetry of facial development

n.化學顯像法 - chemical development

n.下行法 - cescending development method

n.兒童發育 - child development

n.兒童發育 - childhood development

n.環形展開法 - circular development

n.病程演變 - clincial development

顯色,彩色顯影 - color development

n.生理性延遲發育 - delayed physiological development

中齒發育 - dental caries development

n.層析下行展開 - descending development

n.取代展開,置換顯影 - displacement development

n.直接發育 - direct development

藥物開發 - drug development

初期發生 - early development

n.洗脫展開 - elution development

n.胚胎生長發育因子 - embryo growth development factor

n.胚胎發育 - embryonic development

n.美國能源研究開發署 - energy research and development administration

n.卵泡發育 - follicular development

n.方劑的開成與發展 - formation and development of prescription

n.生長發育 - growth development

n.水平展開 - horizontal development

人類發展 - human development

n.間接發育 - indirect development

n.個體發育 - individual development

瞬間發展 - instantaneous development

n.智力發育 - intelligence development

n.發育潛伏期 - latent development period

n.畸形發展 - lopsided development

n.乳房發育 - mammary development

乳房腫瘤的發展 - mammary tumour development

醫療福祉機器技術研究開發室 - Medical and Welfare Equipment Technology Development Office

變態進化,變形發育 - metamorphic development

n.心理發展 - mental development

n.形態發育 - morphological development

n.多級連續展開 - multiple-continuous development

n.多次展開 - multiple development

運動發育 - motor development

醫療福利機器技術研究開發制度 - Natl. Res. and Development Programs for Medical and Welfare Apparatuses

新藥發展 - new drug development

n.單向展開 - one-dimensional development

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