n. householder
homeowners['həum,əunə]n. 私房屋主;自己擁有住房者
Homeowners Insurance 業主保險;屋主保險;針對戶主保險;Underwater Homeowners 泡水屋主;UCB Signature Homeowners Package 理財組合;Homeowners Affordability and Stability Plan 業主負擔力暨經濟穩定計劃;restive homeowners owing more on their mortgages than their property is worth 不安的負資產人士;
1.The fear is that prices will soon start to fall again, touching off another round of pain for homeowners, workers and banks. 現在的糾結是擔心房價不久後又將下跌,而這將引起業主、工人及銀行家新一輪的痛楚。
2.Democrats in Congress say the plan does not do enough to protect homeowners. Yet some critics say it does too much, helping people who borrowed more than they should have. 國會的民主黨人士稱,該計劃並不足以保護住房業主的。然而,一些批評者認為,這做得太多了,助長了那些過度借貸的人們。
3.Representative Bill Foster, elected in a special vote three weeks ago, said in the Democrats' radio address that his party's plan will help a large number of at-risk homeowners. 眾議員比爾。弗斯特三個星期前在一次特別投票中當選,他在民主黨人的廣播講話中說,民主黨的計劃將幫助大批面臨風險的房主。