laen. 萊城(巴布亞新幾內亞東部城市)
Lae 萊城;萊城 巴布亞新幾內亞 澳新線;萊市;錨固長度;LAE LocalAreaDataTransport 本地區數據傳送;PGLAE LAE 萊城;Lae Elsnore 艾爾辛諾湖;Hai Lae Collector 海蕾 收藏家;
1.Chinese-owned shops and offices were looted by gangs in the capital, Port Moresby, and the coastal city of Lae. 在緊張的排華情緒下,亞洲人擁有的公司在巴布亞新幾內亞兩個最大城市遭到了洗劫。
2.To many of the ports of Papua New Guinea excluding Lae and Port Moresby we offer service after trans-shipping at Lae. 除了萊城跟莫爾茲比港,對於巴布亞新幾內亞的許多港口我們可以提供在萊城中轉的服務。
3.I want to know why it look so real or it is a contineous from Roy Lae Sneh Rai larkin that make both of you closed together and then it looks real? 我想知道為什麼看起來這麼像真的,還是你們自從《詭計多端》合作以後關係更親近,所以看起來很真實?