





n. icon ,impression ,painting ,scenev. depict ,envision ,fancy ,render


picture['piktʃə]n. 照片,圖畫;影片;景色;化身vt. 畫;想像;描寫


PICTURE 照片;畫面;圖畫;圖片;Picture This 讀圖地帶;拍照片;愛情遐想;設想一下;picture element 象素;像素,像元;圖像元素;圖像元素 ,像素 數字圖像的最小單位,一幅數字圖像的基本組成單元;radio picture 射電圖;無線電傳真;無線電傳真圖片;無線電台傳真;picture telegraphy 傳真電報;傳真電披;無線電傳真電報術;傳真電報術;


1.The artist has pictured him as a young man in riding dress. 畫家把他畫成一個身穿騎服的年輕人。

2.One picture was of a calm lake. 一幅畫上是一個平靜的湖面。

3.This picture represents the Battle of Waterloo. 這幅畫描繪的是滑鐵盧戰役。


May I take a picture of you and your little boy? - 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一張照嗎?

Do you have a picture of her? - 你有她的照片嗎?

I have a picture of Grandpa and Dad and me in my wallet. - 我皮夾裡有一張照片,是爺爺、爸爸和我在一起照的。

One picture is worth a thousand words. - 百聞不如一見。

Can you picture yourself on a boat, on a river? - 你能想像你自己泛舟河上的情景嗎?

I got a clear picture on the TV set. - 我的電視機有很清晰的畫面。

I got a good picture on the TV set. - 我的電視機有很好的畫面。

Could you take a picture for me? - 你能幫我拍照嗎?

Can you put me in the picture about the World Cup Football Match? - 你能給我講講關於世界盃足球賽的狀況嗎?

They always tell you what a picture is 'about'. - 總是告訴你一幅畫的「意思」是什麼。

'I'm hanging this picture on the wall,' I answered. - 我正將圖片掛到牆上去呢,我回答

Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. - 我們許多人對於荒島生活有一種不切實際的想法。

The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. - 另一種想法恰恰相反,

and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot the outlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet. - 還有一次,她穿著長筒襪子和拖鞋,能用腳步識別出藏在地毯下面的一幅畫的輪廓和顏色。

among historians of science a new and more sophisticated picture has emerged. - 但在科學史家中間,一個新的更加複雜的伽利略的形象出現了。

What can you see in Picture 1? - 在第一幅畫裡你能看見什麼?

This is a picture of my family at home. - 這是我們全家在家裡照的一張照片。

There is a picture on the wall. - 牆上有一張畫。

I agree with Bob. I think we should have a picture of the computer and give a description of the product. - 我同意鮑勃的意見。我認為我們該拍一張計算機的照片,並作產品說明。


picture block test - 塊形圖片智能檢查

picture quantizer; piquant - 圖像數字轉換器

peabody picture vocabulary test - 大休圖詞試驗

n. picture frame - 顯像幀面

picture of the tongue; tongue picture - 舌象


n.貧血骨髓像 - anemic marrow picture

n.灰像 - ash picture

n.血象 - blood picture

臨床症象,臨床特點 - clinical picture

n.病理形態 - pathologic picture

n.大休圖詞試驗 - peabody picture vocabulary test

n.立體像 - stereoscopic picture

n.舌象 - tongue picture

n.顯示,顯像 - video picture

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