





pictures['piktʃəz]n. 圖片;繪畫作品(picture的複數);電影院v. 畫;設想;用圖表示(picture的第三人稱單數)


Pictures 圖片;電影,影片;貼圖版;采潔靚圖;Paramount Pictures 派拉蒙影業;派拉蒙電影公司;派拉蒙;派拉蒙影業公司;Taking Pictures 拍照;照相;攝影;拍照片;DreamWorks Pictures 夢工廠;夢工場;夢工廠影業;夢工廠;video pictures 視頻畫面、影視畫面;


1.Use arrows to link the following pictures. 用箭頭將下列的圖畫連接來。

2.Still remember the day my photography pictures? 還記得那一天的攝影留念嗎?

3.More time to play and draw , pictures in the sand. 較多的時間到遊戲和和局,在沙子方面畫。


Richard's going to take some wedding pictures before the ceremony. - 在婚禮前Richard準備拍一些結婚照片。

It's an album of pictures of the United States: - 是關於美國的

And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors,ambulance drivers, doctors…. - 這是工作中人們的照片:鋼架工人、 銀行職員、警察、街頭小販、救護車駕駛 醫生等等……

No...I can't remember taking pictures of people exercising. - 沒有 ……我好像沒有拍過人們練健身操的照片。

I've seen pictures of him. - 我見過他的照片。

Let me show you some pictures of houses. - 我來給你們看看一些房子的照片。

Wait with your pictures for a second. - 先別忙著你的攝影。

I hope you've brought your pictures along. - 我希望你帶了你的照片一起來。

The pictures you've taken are fabulous, Richard. - 你拍的照片太精采了, Richard。

I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. - 我就帶一些我的攝影到藝廊來。

Doris would like to see your pictures of California and so would I. - 多瑞絲喜歡看你加利福利亞的照片,我也一樣。

We can't get good pictures on our TV set. - 我們的電視機圖像有問題。

The poet creates pictures with words. - 詩人用語言創造萬物。

There are some pictures in the room. - 客廳裡有幾幅畫。

The pictures are on the wall. - 畫掛在牆上。

Of course, many pictures are not 'about' anything. - 當然,有很多畫是什麼「意思」也沒有的。

I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. - 我覺得小孩子們往往比任何人都更能欣賞現代繪畫,

My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. - 我的妹妹只有7歲,但她總能說出我的畫是好還是壞。

The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty! - 它傳送給我們的圖像很令人失望,因為它的主要鏡子有誤差。

Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. - 當然,哈勃位於地球的大氣層之外,因此,它很快就會給我們傳送我們所見到過的、有關行星和遠距離星系的最清晰的照片。

This exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie. - 這次展覽引起報界廣泛注意,因為這些畫名義上是名家的作品,事實上是迪基自己畫的。

You 're lovelier than your pictures . - 你比你的照片可愛多了。

The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall, but that was all. - 房屋也在動,幾幅畫從牆上掉下來,但只是這些。

Next, if it is not a story, get an idea of the organization of the book. Read the back cover and the introduction. Look at the pictures and the short texts below them. Turn to the front of the book and look at the contents. This way you can decide whether - 其次,如果不是故事書,你就要對書的篇章結構有所瞭解。看看目錄。這樣,你就可以判斷這本書是否可能引起你的興趣。如果是這樣,你就可以斷定哪幾個部分最有用,最有趣。

There would be pictures in magazines and newspapers, showing crowds of peope with their cameras and noisy, excited talk. - 報紙和雜誌將刊登出圖片,報紙和雜誌將刊登出圖片,展示那些帶著照相機熙熙攘攘蜂湧而至的人群。

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