





The Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Behavioral Sensitization on Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System in Methamphetamine Self-Administrated Rats 探討大白鼠慢性餵食甲基安非他命誘發行為敏感化的中樞和周邊神經系統中細胞及分子變化之機制,;News Release System or Content Management System 新聞發佈系統;Depend on Bringing forth New Ideas in System to Make the Market System be Perfected and Promote the Development of Forest Industry Enterprises 依靠制度創新,培育和完善市場體系,促進森工企業的發展;modernnte Network prise system wmodern corporate system 現代企業制度;The American political system is a classical example of the two-party system 美國的政治體制是兩黨制的典範;


1.Including: Locomotor system, alimentary system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, circulatory system, sense organs, nervous system and endocrine system. 內容包括:運動系統、消化系統、呼吸系統、泌尿系統、生殖系統、脈管系統、感覺器、神經系統、內分泌系統。

2.Automatic anti-theft system: Including entrance control system and access control system, anti-theft alarm system, visual monitoring system, intercommunication system, patrol system, etc. 防盜自動化系統。含出入口控制系統及門禁系統、防盜報警系統、可視監控系統、對講系統、巡更系統等。

3.Automatic anti-theft system: Including entrance control system and access control system, anti-theft alarm system, visual monitoring system, intercommunication system, patrol system, etc. 防盜自動化系統。含出入口控制系統及門禁系統、防盜報警系統、可視監控系統、對講系統、巡更系統等。

4.SAS(Security Automation System)includes TV monitor system, petrol system, alarm system, entrance security control system, and car park control system. SAS安防自動化系統,電視監控系統、巡更系統、報警系統、門禁系統、停車場管理。

5.SAS(Security Automation System)includes TV monitor system, petrol system, alarm system, entrance security control system, and car park control system. SAS安防自動化系統,電視監控系統、巡更系統、報警系統、門禁系統、停車場管理。


I'm Henry Lee. I am a system engineer for IBM. - 我叫亨利.李,是IBM的一名系統工程師。

Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the development of the Internet, the worldwide system that enables us to communicate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using computers linked to telephone networks. - 當然了,萊昂。巴格瑞特根本沒有可能預測到國際交互網——就是把計算機連結到電話線路上,以便和世界上任何一個地方的人立即進行聯繫的一個世界範圍的通訊系統——的發展。

Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from highhanded or incompetent public officers. - 在瑞典,已逐漸形成了一種完善的制度以保護每個公民不受專橫的和不稱職的政府官員的欺壓。

The system has worked so well, that it has been adopted in other countries too. - 由於這種制度行之有效,已被其他國家採納。

If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form of 'college'imaginable. - 如果我們的教育制度倣傚沒有書籍的古代教育,我們的學院將具有可以想像得出的最民主的形式了。

It is the one world in the Solar System that is most like the Earth. - 火星是太陽系裡與地球最接近的一顆行星。


two-sygnal system theory - 兩信號系統學說

central nervous system death; centralnervoussystemdeath - 中樞神經系統型死亡

central nervous system syndrom; centralnervoussystemsyndrom - 中樞神經系統型綜合征

central nervous system syndrome - 中樞神經系統的綜合症

system of dose limitaion - 劑量限制體系

right bundle branch system block - 右束支系統傳導阻滯

system of cooperative medical care - 合作醫療制度

n. system sand - 回砂

international system of units - 國際單位制

international system of virus nomenclature - 國際病毒命名法

multiple system organ failure - 多系統器官衰竭

multiple system atrophy - 多系統萎縮症

circulatory system polygraph - 循環系統多導記錄儀

circulatory system diseases - 循環系統疾病

oxidation system of microsome - 微粒體氧化體系

conducting system of heart; conduction system of heart - 心臟傳導系

calton system of identification - 戈爾頓氏鑒定制

tandard system of psychiatry - 標準精神病分類

n. gating system plan - 澆注系統平面圖

conduction system of heart; purkinjes system - 浦肯野氏系統

attack of pericardum by heat; attak of xue system by heat - 熱入心包

invasion of xue blood system by heat; invasion of xue system by heat - 熱入血分

n. system of electric anticorrosion - 電抗腐蝕體系

galenism.galens system of medicine - 蓋侖氏學說

system engineering - 系統工程

system simulation - 系統模擬

system status interrogation - 系統狀況詢問

system mode instruction - 系統狀態指令

system research - 系統研究

system program - 系統程序

system organzation - 系統組織

fibrinolytic system inhibitor - 纖維蛋白溶解系統抑制物

central nervous system acute radiation disease - 腦型急性放射病

central nervous system death; centralnervoussystemdeath - 腦型死亡

central nervous system syndrom; centralnervoussystemsyndrom - 腦型綜合征

ventricular system lesion syndrome - 腦室系統病變綜合征

atrophia; atrophy; multiple system atrophy - 萎縮

the blood system or phrase - 血分

n. Dow system etching process - 道氏系統浸蝕法

n. Dow system etching process - 道氏腐蝕方法

system of identification - 鑒定制

n. gating system plan - 鑄造方案


n.磷酸甘油穿梭系統 - a-glycerophospate shuttle system

n.泌尿生殖系放紅菌病 - actinomycosis of genito-urinary system

作用係數,作用系統 - action system

乙酰膽鹼體系 - acetylcholine system

n.消色差鏡系 - achromattic system

n.凝血系統活化 - activation of coagulation system

n.激活系統 - activation system

n.皮質下系統活動 - activity of subcirtical system

n.腎上腺素反應系統 - adrenergic system

n.泌尿生殖系統過敏性疾病 - allergic disease of genito-urinary system

n.空調系統 - air conditionng system

n.消化系統 - alimentary system

管足系統,移動系統 - ambulacral system

n.泌尿生殖系統阿米巴病 - amoebiasis of genito-urinayr system

陰離子傳輸體子 - anion transport system

鎮痛系 - analgesic system

n.分析器抽氣系統 - analyzer pumping system

動物神經系統 - animal nervous system

動物試驗系 - animal test system

n.三斜晶系 - anorthic system

n.抗凝血系統 - anticoagulative system

古皮層系,舊皮層系 - archicortical system

動脈呼吸振器系 - arterial aspirator and resonator system

動脈系統 - arterial system

人工心肺 - artificial cardiopulmonary system

人工膜系 - artificial membrane system

人工系統 - artificial system

n.上行激動系統 - ascending activiating system

n.上行性網狀激動系統 - ascending reticular activating system

n.腺甘三磷酸合成酶系 - atp synthetase system

n.植物神經系統,自主神經系統 - autonomic nerve system

n.植物神經系統,植物性神經系統 - autonomic nervous system

自律神經系疾患 - autonomic nervous system disease

自主神經系統 - autonomous nervous system

n.熱入心包 - attak of xue system by heat

染色休組自動解析系統 - automatic analysis system for human genome

n.自動檢測和估算系統 - automatic checkout and evaluation system

n.自動控制系 - automatic control system

n.自動數據處理系統 - automatic data processing system

自動輸液系統,自動點滴系統 - automatic fluid delivery system

n.自動監測系統 - automatic monitoring system

自主神經系統,植物性神經系統 - automatic nervous system

n.自動進樣系統 - automatic sample handling system

n.自動裝置 - automatic system

n.航空供氧系統 - aviation oxygen supply system

n.反衝系統 - back-purge system

n.背包生命保護系統 - back-type life support system

平郝雎死系流 - balanced lethal system

腦神經系科學技術的有關研究 - Basic Policy for Promotion of Sci. and Technology on the Brain and Nerve System

n.嗜鹼性與肥大細胞系統 - basophils and mast cell system

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