IML 模內貼標;模內鑲件注塑;模內標籤;安恩科技;IML TEAM 設備工程師;技術員;IML Manager 模內轉印技術經理;IML IntegratedManagementInformationSystem 綜合管理信息系統;IML InformationManipulationLanguage 信息運作語言;
1.You can use Limdep, stats or sas/IML to do panel data analysis in this case. 幫我看看,這樣的數據能做面板分析嗎?,經濟,經濟學論壇,經濟論壇,經濟學,在職研究生。
2.Experience in plastic parts, painting, printing, IMD(In Mould Decoration), IML(In Mould Labeling. 塑料件,噴塗,印刷,IMD(模具裝飾),IML(模具標籤)
3."Given our existing relationships and the brand loyalty we have built up over the years we have also sold IML successfully into our customer base of blue-chip clients, " he said. 「由於我們現有的關係和品牌的忠誠度,我們已經建立了,我們已經賣出到我們的藍籌客戶群模內貼標成功多年,」他說。