imitatorsn. 模仿者(imitator的複數)
imitators 模仿者;效仿者:在創新傳播過程中,相繼效仿的公司和組織。;Be imitators of God 傚法神;
1.You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit. 並且你們在大難之中,蒙了聖靈所賜的喜樂,領受真道,就傚法我們,也傚法了主。
2.Once again the best imitators (the most articulate individuals) would acquire higher status, the best mates and the most offspring. 用不著說,最佳模仿者(最能言善道的人)會登上較高的地位,擁有最好的配偶,生養最多的子女。
3.Apple, which encourages customers to try out its devices in its stores, is considered a pioneer of this strategy, and has attracted many imitators. 蘋果公司率先鼓勵客戶到商店裡體驗自己的產品,成為了這一策略的開拓者,競相效仿者無數。